No? It was all over the... news? Really, this is the first you're hearing of it?
Well, ESPN2 co-host of "First Take," (You know, the one who looks like she escaped from the stable?) was suspended for a whole week for her rant and behavior at the Jan. 11th roast of ESPN Radio hosts Mike Greenberg and Mike Golic.
At the roast, Jacobson made a rambling speech that included vulgar references about Notre Dame. Jacobson is a Michigan graduate, and she and Golic, a former Irish defensive lineman, often have exchanged barbs about the rivalry between the schools.
One eyewitness labeled it an "embarrassing display," and a newspaper account said the crowd booed Jacobson. Notre Dame coach Charlie Weis also was in attendance. (press release here, with her 'apology')

Golfweek editor Dave Seanor was fired Friday for approving a cover that featured a swinging noose in its coverage of the Tilghman controversy. Granted, this is probably the first time Golfweek was mentioned by Blasphemes - or 100 other news carriers - but I have to say, that's even in bad taste, and remember, I'm the guy who posted a picture of a dog's ass that looks like Jesus.
Hey, sports writers and anchors? Yeah, you!
You're all acting worse than the players.
Cut that sh*t out!
7 comments: wild woman. That time you got drunk and said fu*k Notre Dame and fu*k Touchdown Mike and Mike's Roast....I want to party with you cowboy!
I bet they would have fired her if Notre Dame could actually win a game.
Notre Dame won 3 games this year. Your exaggeration of them not winning a game is pointless
At least ND didn't lose to 1-AA Appalachian home.
She was seen swilling vodka like it was water at the roast. I'm surprised she didn't take her panties off and throw them on stage
Panties? They let horses wear panties now?
I've seen a better face on Tori Spelling.
Oooo Three whole games?? Wow, my mistake lisp boy, I guess I should have said "They would have fired her if Notre Dame could get to .500"
Happy now?? Looks like the only thing that's pointless is the Notre Dame football program under the great genius that is Charlie Wiess.
Typical Golden Domer, can dish it out but can't take it.
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