He's also acting like a complete unstable ass, but the media isn't reporting it. It seems that Al has some temper issues, and behaves fairly uncivilized in public.
Oh, but he's so funny for calling those with opinions not shared with him "big, fat, liar and stupid." That's impolite. He's also angry on the radio, so I've been told by the one person who's ever heard his "Air America" program.
However, out side of "the act" Al had an anger management issue back in 2004 at a Howard Dean rally in New Hampshire. A LaRouche supporter was giving Howard Dean some shit and Al Franken tackled him. Why he wasn't booked on assault and shunned for violating the heckler's first amendment rights is not known? Perhaps because he was a "celebrity?" I guess?
The story I picked up today was that he acted nutz again on the campaign trail in Northfield MN.
Early this month, on the campaign trail in Northfield, Minn., Franken inexplicably verbally attacked a college student that was himself trying to be as civil and jovial as he could. Apparently, Franken couldn't stomach the fact that student Peter Fritz didn't share his sort of activist, brash politics and for that crime, Franken mercilessly and without provocation launched into the unassuming kid.
C.J., a columnist for the Minn. Star Tribune, reported the tale of Franken's latest explosion of mental instability.
At a student rally held at Carleton College in Northfield, Franken began posing for photos with some of the students gathered there. According to Peter Fritz, the student who was the target of Al's rage, he was taking photos of Franken and his college friends when Franken asked why Frtiz wasn't trying to get into any of the photos himself.
One of Fritz' college pals informed Franken that Fritz was a conservative. This sent Franken off the deep end.
At that point, Franken reportedly began peppering Fritz with questions about supporting President George W. Bush and former President Ronald Reagan's tax hikes. Fritz told me he got tense and, as he does in those situations, started chewing the inside of his mouth, a gesture he said was mimicked by Franken; Fritz also thought his style of speech was mocked by Franken
Apparently, a campaign aide realized that Franken was going over the edge and tried to interrupt and get his patron to move along. With that, student Fritz tried to part as friends. As C.J. reports:
Fritz told me Monday that he then stuck out his hand to shake Franken's. "Well, at least it's nice to meet you," the GOPer said he told Franken, who reportedly replied, I can't say the same.
There was no handshake, said Fritz.
What the heck is wrong with Franken, anyway? He can't even be civil to a kid who
offers his hand in a parting gesture?
Fritz told me Wednesday he was stunned by Franken's behavior: "I usually expect politicians to, at least, pretend as though, even in that kind of interaction, that they can convince me or have some kind of reasonable dialogue -- the whole Minnesota Nice thing, at least."
Dude. Al? What's up? You gots to shake hands with the electorate, bud. You can't even converse with someone who disagrees with your political positions? How you gonna' get along in the Senate?
And if Democrats think this man is an ideal candidate, what does that say about the Democrat Party?
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