Jan 22, 2008

Update - Green Bay Bikinis

It seems that Maxim wants to meet the bikini girls from the Packers Game... and hopefully launch and investigation to find out where those nipples were?

Link from J from Chi - to SbB (potentially NSFW, I guess?) And here's an indepth interview with the girls from Sports Bubbler (Bubbler? That's "Wisconsin" for Drinking Fountain) Well, there's more pictures in the links, if you care.

I think the real story here is that everyone's excited that they just found out that there are three hittable chicks in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude. They claim to have bared it for Brett for *six* years. The eldest is 22 years old. That's a might creepy. Mad gods willing, the Cap. can find an answer to the burning non-mammalian beauties by tracking them down directly.