Jan 17, 2008

Effing Clowns

Don't send in the clowns.

Hospitals are being urged not to decorate children's wards with paintings of clowns in case they upset young patients.

State-funded research has found that in a survey of more than 250 children aged four to 16, all disliked the use of clowns in hospital decor, with even the teenagers seeing them as "scary".

A hospital clown; Children are 'scared of hospital clowns'
Ironic: children are more frightened of clowns than hospital

"Given that children and young people do not find hospitals frightening per se - and only express fear about those spaces associated with needles - this finding is somewhat ironic," said Dr Penny Curtis of Sheffield University. (rest of this story)

Tell you what? Next time the state is handing out my money - just mail it here with a questionare. Are Children's Ward Clowns a) funny, b) playful, c) scary as anything Stephen King has ever written.

I, and I think everyone who's ever been on a children's ward can tell you that clowns, and Dr. Patch Adams and the like are creepy and downright evil to a little kid.

Especially in a scary ass place like a children's ward -- it's even worse the more severe the problem.

I remember meeting the jerkoffs who performed the 'clown rounds.' Tired old handkerchief juggling and bad puns and sight gags aside, these people really thought "they were doing good, for the kids."

Turns out, I was right - they were scaring the absolute sh*t out of those poor kids.


But why is Ronald so popular?