First thought, why would you cut your potato in half like this? What application for a potato requires a cut down the center? It cannot be baked - and even mashed potatoes you typically don't want to cut the potato? Otherwise the starch gets all over the place and changes the chemistry of the mashed potatoes. No really, I read that in Cook's Illustrated.
And personally, I like to keep the skins on (after a hearty scrubbing of course - rumor has it that potatoes actually grow in the dirt?! No confirmation of that dirt rumor, as I have never been to Idaho). Skin on mashed potatoes is actually referred to as 'smashed' potatoes. If you add some sauteed garlic to it, along with butter and heavier milk than 1% - you've got yourself a good smashed potato!
Another tip - after you scrub those boys, add them to the cold water in the pot. Let them heat up with the water. It's a time and energy saving tip!
Oh, right, here's the picture:

I have seen this one before -

...which, I think, gives further evidence that the Lord has a great sense of humor.
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