Jan 29, 2008

Isolated Vocals

J from Chi sent this to me.

We're big Van Halen fans around here at the Blasphemes offices. OneF too. This is a clip of Running With The Devil, without the music. They isolated Dave's vocals, which means without the tunes. Yes, it sounds a little wacky in parts, but I bet a lot of rock singers sound like this. Some worse than others.

I feel like taking this and dubbing it over some techno. I think I have the man for that gig...


Anonymous said...

Hilarious. It sounds like an American Idol audition, or a some crazy homeless man on an El train.

Anonymous said...

Have little doubt that this is how it was laid down, in the Stu-Day-O. Really saps the soul of the righteous indignation that is RAWK.