Will Democrats, after realizing that their vote really doesn't count, step out and scribble in Huckabee just to screw with the three or four Republicans that still live in their state?
Much thought is going into a state that has made itself irrelevant in '08, due to the decision to move their primary up to today. However, the ongoing prater of Michigan being Mitt Romney's last stand is absolute nonsense. Again, the pundits have heard it somewhere and are repeating it because they don't know what the hell they're talking about.
The picture of Mitt waving made me think he was doing that Michigan Map out of his hand - then I realized I was dyslexic. Or maybe he is? Either way, he ain't wavin' bye-bye just yet.
Mitt's got tons of money, and he has Beaver Island Mormons campaigning for him.
Oh, what's that? Never heard of Beaver Island? It's a great tale, it starts with an assassination - someone James J. Strang declared himself a monarch - demanded that all his female subjects wear bloomers - and it ends, predictably, with another assassination.
Anyway, Mitt's not done, even if he places second in Michigan.
And please remember - as this has been lost for the last two weeks - New Hampshire was not a winner take all state. Obama has the same number of delegates as Hillary. She "won" the popular vote. Obama is still winning.
And at the end of it all, it's not even a state worth worrying about. Florida will be a state to worry about. Guliani's lead there is evaporating.
Prediction - McCain, Romney, Huckabee
Democrats - everyone loses.
1 comment:
"What happened in Michigan is not very different from what used to happen in the old Soviet Union. The Clinton machine manipulated the ballot. They don’t care how they win, only that they do. It’s wrong and people need to know that... People should not permit the Clintons — both Bill and Hillary — to have an unfair advantage in Michigan," - former senator Don Riegle.
The basis for the quote is hard to argue with, as Hillary Clinton is the only major Democratic candidate on the Michigan ballot -- the result of a dispute between Michigan Dems and the national party over who gets to set the presidential primary schedule.
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