A fictional TV character about a fictional time - the 50's AKA - the "Happy Days" of American life and times.
(full story)
The story doesn't mention if the Bronz will be installed inside Miller Park, (perhaps playing left field?) or in front of the Milwaukee museum of art. Perhaps in front of Harley Davidson?
Either way, this is 'Merica at it's best gang. We're building statues of the Fonz. It's got to be because we've already erected statues of all our greatest leaders in the fields of politics, civil rights, medicine, teaching, fire fighting, sports, and... well, it's time to make statues of loner dudes who live in attics that who jump sharks while on vacation.
Whatever Milwaukee, you can spend your money however you want.
City of Boulder, you're on notice - I expect to see a Mork & Mindy out of you next.
And no cheaping out - I want Mork AND Mindy, damn it.
1 comment:
I wanna see a statue of The Fonz with the Tuscadero sisters on each arm. Or Chuck, the lost brother
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