One of my predictions of 2008 may be coming to fruition.
Cloverfield is going to suck. It's probably going to be Snakes on a Plane '08.
1. No name talent, no name director. While this might be a good thing, and not too distracting. They couldn't get one former WB starlet to make an appearance? No Dane Cook - so that's a plus. But no stars also raises an eyebrow and some red flags. J.J. Abrams is producing - not creating or directing.
2. Tiny budget. Only 30 million? I warned you that this was probably lensed on someone's cell phone. It's going to be shaky cam-o-rama. You might want to take a barf bag.
3. January release date. If you know anything about movies, the clunkers usually come out in January and August. Sure, you say - less competition. You can dominate. Yeah. It's Show Business. If this were a commodity it would be a summer tent pole picture.
4. Zero Screenings. Typically there are a lot of screenings and buzz from the people have seen it. The buzz is viral, and based on nothing. No one has seen it. This is not a good thing. Hey, maybe it's a secret? Like the monster is protecting it's babies in the Garden... wait, didn't they do that already?
5. Can you believe less than a year ago... This has to be the quickest turn around from greenlight to theater in, well, ever? That doesn't bode well for effects or for editing. This is the sure sign of a hatchet job.
6. Hype for the hype, not the picture. It's one of the greatest viral marketing campaigns ever! There's been hype about this thing since they green lit it. But, that's only great as long as you have a product to back it up. Remember Snakes on a Plane?
7. Snakes on a Plane.
Please feel free to review it this weekend, if you dare! I'll post it for ya.
Thanks Barb! I am glad that you finally gave me the link I was looking for. Is it true? I don't have to do anything? Wow, I will be rich!!
Oh, and Cap'n, I liked SoaP. FYI.
Yeah, OneF, I know.
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