Wha-wha-what?Here’s my question to you: If the Democrats have trouble picking between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, should Al Gore consider entering the race?
My first inclination is, you're out of your galdurned mind for even bringing this question up? Again?
Now, as you know, I even endorsed an Al Gore run - but that was back in - what? - October or September of 2007. I knew that he could have un-seated the inevitability of Mrs. Clinton-elect *and as a refresher, at the time, she was unstoppable.
It would have been (and still could be) very personal. Al would have kicked Hillary in the nuts for marginalizing him in the Bill Clinton White House.... oh and not supporting him in his run.
Minor personal items aside, Al has a pretty good thing going with the Global Warming awareness racket he's got going on. He's already filled the garage with awards and trophies, what would he want with the Presidency? He already won that - and got off easy by not having to actually perform the duties of the President. Golf clap there for you Al.
Besides, just this week Al was hanging out with Bono and, presumably, receiving another award. Why would he want to lose that street cred and actually be the President this time around? Why would he take the pay cut?
Yes. Al Gore would win if he threw his hat into the ring.
There. I said it.
Yeah, he would win.
...as long as he didn't have to debate Global Warming, or explain why he didn't take the Kyoto treaty to the Senate - or discus all that money he got from China. Or Bill Clinton. Or Hillary Clinton. Or his close relationship with MoveOn.org, or the fact that he's publicly flip-flopped on every major issue that has come up since his 2000 campaign...
-his political persona has taken on several more iterations since then. Those changes -- from a moderate New Democrat to a liberal populist -- have left many in the party confused about just what Gore really believes and fearful that any attempt by him to re-emerge on the national scene would be met with regular and repeated taunts of flip-flopping by Republicans. (Washington Post.com)Other than that, he'd be a shoe in!
Wow, did you notice that they placed the blame on Kerry losing is for flip-flopping, not his ineptitude as a politician? Interesting.
But back to Al winning - I mean, the Republicans are fractured trying to figure out who Ronald Reagan was and how best to do an imitation of him. Once they did it was Fred Thompson - and he did such a good a job... that he fell asleep. It's not to late to put Rich Little up there, assuming he's still alive that is.
And the Democrats aren't just divided - they're building a trench. A deep one too.
Al Gore can build a bridge over that trench. He can get the MoveOn.org crazy-heads, the Green Movement (ironic, I know - I already wrote about that) and the old skool Clintonians who have forgotten the past enough to vote for the Hill - but secretly hate the fact they're voting for the Hill now. Got all that?
Oh, yeah, Republicans? Well, maybe they'd just sit this one out and wait four years to clobber him?
But if the Hill is grabbing votes from Michigan and Florida - and playing every dirty hand she can scrounge up - it makes me ponder what dirt they've got on Al to keep him out in the first place. Hmmmm.....
1 comment:
Wasn't Al Gore the monster from Cloverfield?
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