Mike Hick-a-bee eated teh Squirrels on his colledge kampus with a pop corn popper.
If you have not heard/seen/laughed about this please (click)
Here's his (I assume?) pandering quote to the voters of South Carolina...
"South Carolina's a great place for me. I mean, I know how to eat grits and speak the language. We even know how to talk about eating fried squirrel and stuff like that, so we're on the same wavelength."That would have been enough pandering. But no - he had to keep flapping that jaw.
"....I bet you never did this, when I was in college, we used to take a popcorn popper, because that was the only thing they would let us use in the dorm, and we would fry squirrels in a popcorn popper in the dorm room."Yeah. You just committed michaelVickacide.
michaelVickacide - (VERB) When a public figure admits in public that he/she hurt little fuzzy animals and shows absolutely no remorse, nor understands why the public would ever frown on such actions that was just admitted, which then cascades and builds upon further poor public perception - where the public figure continues to refuse to comprehend. Two likely outcomes - 1) Jail 2) Public Ridicule 3) Both.
You're going to have crazy PETA people and crying little girls at that next Northern pep rally. I kid you not. Meanwhile, every single Democrat is clamoring to have this guy nominated!
McCain to win South Carolina by a Squirrel nut.
Oh, from now on whenever Mike Hick-a-Bee opens his mouth and stupid falls out of his mouth - I will be posting his Christmas card. I have a feeling you're going to be seeing a lot of this in the next month.

1 comment:
The fat one looks like he would be on To Catch A Predator on NBC
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