Feb 5, 2008

Super Fat Tuesday Mega Mecha Monkey Primary

This is it! The big day. The Tsunami of Presidential Primary days. It sure looks like a Tsunami...

Prognosis: Terrible weather doesn't bode well for Democracy.

"I can't be inconvenienced" and "there's too much snow for my wheelchair"

My initial thought is that rain will keep old people from voting, and then I thought it might keep young people from voting... but it won't keep Mormons from voting. Democrats can't be bothered to vote when it rains , so it stands to reason that the more left-leaning factions of the GOP and the Democrat/Independent crossovers (i.e. McCain's bloc) might sit home in greater numbers than the conservative base.

Bottom line: the Mormon God is helping Mitt today. Maybe not enough to "win," but enough to keep it interesting.

BTW - According to latest Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll released early Tuesday, Barack Obama leads Hillary Clinton in California by 13 points. Anyone want to take an over-under on how far off that poll is?

Predictions? Since OneF hasn't kept up with it - I'm just going to say there will still not be a clear leader between the two camps - but Huckabee will be forced out soon afterwards citing lack of money. There might be a sweetheart deal for him to stick in the race to stick it to Mitt, but we'll have to keep an eye on that rumor/speculation.

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