Feb 28, 2008

I learn

For future fathers:
  1. Do not announce to a waiting room full of mothers that you now know more about baby vagina than you ever wanted.
  2. There is no need to announce that Super Dad is in the 7-11.
  3. No need to thank the child for paying for the War in Iraq. They know all about it. It's Bush that cannot figure it out.
  4. "Milkshake the baby" although a great name for a game is in fact not a fun game for the baby. "Milkshake the booby" is a great name and a great game for moms. Ask the baby.
  5. That is normal poop. For a baby.
  6. Sleep is a commodity. But you can not buy when it is down hoping to sell when it is high. College kids would be waaay too rich that way and children would starve.

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