Holy Crap! I totally slept through this! Today IHOP (The International House of Pancakes) is holding its annual National Pancake Day... NOW!!! Customers will receive a free stack of pancakes in return for a donation to The Children's Miracle Network.
Pancake Day is today from 7am to 10pm at participating I-Hop restaurants.
Last year, the restaurant served more than 1.1 million free pancakes on Pancake Day.
Humbug. Every drop of pancake batter on this earth screams in agony, torment, and most of all, humiliation when it hits that griddle.
The Reason: Every loving fiber of batter wishes it could ascend to the lofty position of WAFFLE.
Pancakes are for peasants.
All hail the mighty WAFFLE.
Waffles aren't free though, dude
I think that you just proved my point.
Pennies are free at the counter. Try asking for a quarter and see how far you get.
Plus, as a learned pathologist once said, all bread and bread-related products are merely syrup/butter delivery devices. The WAFFLE has pancakes beat hands-down for surface area, thus syrup-holding goodness.
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