The sign of "coercion" taught in survival training. For use in case of capture, hand signals are taught to relay messages back to intel whom may be viewing the enemy video or photograph. Clearly, this soldier was not photographed by choice, and unbeknownst to her, he gave her the ultimate diss.
For more on this, see Snopes
That picture went around the internet a few years ago. You can tell as we don't wear that uniform anymore. Crossed fingers in photos are a way for POW's to show distress, or to indicate that the photo was posed and they were forced into it. I believe that started during the Vietnam war, especially around the time that cunt Jane Fonda went over there and sold our boys out.
I read that this Soldier was asked to take this picture, but I truly believe he didn't want to. That's why his fingers are crossed. I think its very appropriate, but I'm not supposed to have any political beliefs in my job.
"that cunt Jane Fonda"..."that cunt Hillary Clinton"....same thing. I should probably add "cold", "frigid" and "power hungry" to that too. McCain wants the presidency to keep the fight going against the towelhead terrorists, Clinton wants the presidency because she a cold, power hungry cunt who craves the spotlight and attention. Obama wants the presidency so he can actually make a difference in this country. Wow, imagine that. Too bad Cunt or Geezer will probably win in November. So then it comes down to who you vote for...Cunt or Geezer...Douche or Turd. I'd prefer not to vote in that case. F hillary...F Freezer Geezer McCain!
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