The widespread use of ethanol from corn could result in nearly twice the greenhouse gas emissions as the gasoline it would replace because of expected land-use changes, researchers concluded Thursday. The study challenges the rush to biofuels as a response to global warming. Link to story
Could you imagine some guy in a white shirt and a pocket protector stepping up to a combine in Iowa?
"Um, yeah, Hi guys! How are you? Yeah, about all that corn you're growing to turn it into gasoline? Yeah, sorry, but you're doing it wrong."

Let's face it, as long as Iowa is the first state in the Union to decide who will be our next president, there will be corn subsidies and corn over production, and silly ways to get rid of that excess corn. Putting it in Soda Pop is just one example - however this idea of getting America off of oil and on to corn isn't new... it might already be in your gas tank. And it's not just in the Midwest anymore where it's (probably) a law to have 10% corn in your gas.
So now we find out that corn gas is just as bad, maybe worse, than gas fumes? Surprised? I'm not. Is it going to change anything. Not a chance.
The question is - what's more dangerous? Long term dependence on foreign oil which demands American lives and treasury depletion? ... or a little ozone damage and some climate change?
Really - that's the decision we're going to have to make.
Me? I'm all for longer summers in Canada... why? So we can grow more corn! Of course!
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