Why can't I let this go? They lost 3-1. Okay, it's over right? The "Light Party" should be seen as a fun alternative to the status quo. However, if you scrape a little off the top, you might begin to realize that this group is as intolerant of others as a stereotypical bible thumping gun rack in the pickup redneck.
From their site:
To summarize, The Light Party is rooted in a powerful spiritual awareness, that awareness being that as we the people become more conscious, our values, priorities and choices naturally transform. This is an organic, decentralized and progressive process which is leading us inexorably toward greater "Health, Peace And Freedom For All"...
Now Is The Time To Lighten Up, Enjoy The Music, Simplify Our Lives, Accentuate The Positive And Choose "Health, Peace, and Freedom"...
Initially, I read that they're a bunch of hippies. Face value, harmless little new-age hippies. The language contained exposes that quite well. On second read - they hate you. They hate everything about you, about your values, and if you don't subscribe to their newsletter, you're part of the problem. This is hate speech.They have suggested, in that paragraph, that you have no faith and are incapable of having "spiritual awareness" unless you conform to their system of organic lifestyle. You cannot have freedom unless you are with them. "One of Us."

My point, you might ask, is why do I care so much about this? Because I see this sort of belief system as dangerous and as intolerant of others as much as some folks see fundamentalist Christians. This sort of thing is as far left, as Pat Robertson is far right. Too much? Not at all.
How did the leader Da Vid (interview here) got the Alcatraz Peace Center even get on to a ballot? The people were voting on taking out a Federal landmark. It's not a San Francisco park; it's a Federal state park. Alcatraz Island also pumps in more money from tourists than any other San Francisco attraction. 2.5 Million dollars. Second on the list? The trolleys at 1.2 Million. This fringe religious group (I don't know why you wouldn't call them a religious group) of 1500 members proposed to take California tax dollars to transform the island at an estimated 1.2 Billion dollars to transform it into their "Peace Center." Here's what they wanted to do to Alcatraz.... (read here)
Oh, no. It wouldn't be their money. It would have been California tax payer money. It is beyond me how they got the issue to a ballot in the first place.
Let's pretend that a different religious organization - say, a Christian or Muslim group - wanted to erect a crucifix or a mosque on Federal property? Can you imagine the uproar! All over the nation? Could you hear the laughter across the world? Yet this story was only covered in a small paragraph on Tuesday, the day the issue was on the ballot in California.
I see no difference in the two.
a complete waste of funds.
Instead of wasting 1Billion dollars in converting the island, how about helping all the Homeless people first.
Creating a building as a symbol of peace wont do anything, if you really want to make a change, go out to the street and take part.
besides world peace is impossible, evil will always exist it the hearts of man.
You want to help the homeless and the poor, how sweet!
You want to waste my tax dollars on builing them shelters, awe!
Now how about a real solution to the problem.
Put them all on a barge in the middle of the ocean and let's make bets on how many make it!
Oh yea and I'm a smoker! You liberal bleading heart pussies!
Sounds like some people are stuck feeling nasty and being mean.
From my experience its a pretty low quality thing to get off on, but it
seems to act like a disease, thats hard to override.
Ive been there in negative land, and its a certainly nicer life to be loving and understanding. Before you make a snide comment, think about it. This is an opportunity to begin to get out of the tailspin, which probably started from other being mean around you. If you're so tough, lets see you take on your own mind, and take control of it. and i suggest that if you find you need a hand with purging nasty shit from your mind, dont seek help in a crumbling haunted prison.
takes persistence and dedication to move to more loving emotions. The cynical nasty disease resists this by its nature, but so what, give it a try and kick it out anyways.
I hope all people are freed from such a miserable state, even if they have nothing to compare it to and dont realize how nasty it is, and find some more lasting quality good feelings from giving more attention to the higher parts of our brain and cultivating the more compassionate emotions.
Personally i think having something inspiring in the Bay would help this kind of thing on a mass scale, like going to an inspiring beautiful cathedral would.
@ the Truth:
Troll much?
Seriously, before you castigate other humans for empathy and compassion, learn to f**king spell. Maybe it was an honest mistake. Maybe you were attempting wit (e.g. "bleating") and got it wrong. Call me a stuck up pussy, but at least I can pass 5th grade English.
As for the homeless, indeed, there are hucksters and law-abouts. There are also a high number of mentally-deficient, abused individuals cast adrift in our society. No need to waste barges, they swirl around, battered by the cold, hunger, and hatred on land.
As for the hippies, these folks are at best deluded do-gooders, at worst, the most vile form of human life; fundamentalist religionists.
Oh wait!
Trolls like you are actually the lowest form of homo sapien.
Have a lovely day. ;-)
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