The name of that gunman who was "off his meds" will be referenced as "DicklessAsshole" rather than his real name in this article to express my anger and frustration about this senseless rampage that took the lives of five helpless 20 year olds.
A former employee at a Chicago psychiatric treatment center said DicklessAsshole was placed there after high school by his parents. She said he used to cut himself, and had resisted taking his medications.
Which means to me he was one of those damned Emo Kids... from now on I will reference DicklessAsshole as EmoDicklessAsshole
EmoDicklessAsshole spent more than a year at the Thresholds-Mary Hill House in the late 1990s, former house manager Louise Gbadamashi told The Associated Press. His parents placed him there after high school because he had become "unruly" at home, she said. Like any teenager - who cuts himself - and is moody.
EmoDicklessAsshole also had a short-lived stint as a prison guard that ended abruptly when he didn't show up for work. He was in the Army for about six months in 2001-02, but he told a friend he'd gotten a psychological discharge.
That's a whole lot of red flags, if you ask me! Which no one did - but I'm the one typin'.
Exactly what set EmoDicklessAsshole off — and why he picked his former university and that particular lecture hall — remains a mystery.
I still think there's a girl who didn't give him a valentine. That's a story that no one has tracked down yet. You think that boy or girl is going to want to meet with Geraldo? How about Dr. Phil?
University Police Chief Donald Grady said Friday that EmoDicklessAsshole had become erratic in the past two weeks after he stopped taking his medication.
The other note was that EmoDicklessAsshole DID have an Illinois issued FOID [Firearm Owner's Identification Information ] card. Which is (if you don't want to hit the link) a system of identifying persons who are not qualified to acquire or possess firearms and firearm ammunition within the State of Illinois.
Total and complete FAILURE on the part of the Illinois government, huh? Can we all agree on that? Shouldn't a flippin' section 8 be a gigantic "NO" come up on that FOID application form?!
I am thinking that EmoDicklessAsshole's family should (at the very least) have to pay for five funerals.
I do not understand why the FOID card application did not catch this EmoDicklessAsshole's time in the MENTAL INSTITUTION for a YEAR, and also his FUGGIN SECTION 8!!! Massive overhaul of that government agency should be immediate and massive firings - no pension, no severance. AND those State employees should be forced to attend all five of the victim's funerals.
EmoDicklessAsshole's family will be sued. The School will probably be sued for inadequate security. Perhaps the State and the FOID card issuers will be named in a lawsuit? There will be promises of reform, and new gun laws will be floated - especially since this is an election year...
But will money bring those five kids back? Absolutely not. Will it end any of the pain? No. Will it make anyone feel any better? Nope. But you know it's going to happen. About five years later you might hear about a settlement or something. You'll have forgotten this story. Those families will not.
Add sissy and whiny to EmoDicklessAsshole. Boo hoo, life sucks. I'm sure his favorite band was that awful Panic At The Disco or Fallout Boy or something along those lines. "I'm not popular...people make fun of me...boo hoo". Life sucks, get a helmet you freakin wuss!
NIU was a another "GUN FREE ZONE!"
But of course, the lefties will say that more gun control is the solution.
Sorry to interrupt the Bronson-esque wank-fest, but *LESS* gun control may not be the answer either.
There was a story I read somewhere awhile back, in Chicagoland. A medically unbalanced feller shot a childhood friend. Sorry, cannot find the newslink. Anyway, crazy guy is crazy, has gun permit, one day he really snaps and he kills this random person whom he actually knew.
The VT Shooter, another nutjob bought his guns via the intertubez (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seung-Hui_Cho#Weapons)
and then killed people.
Same with the Von Maur shooter, same with NIU boy.
So please explain how giving more people guns is a better answer. Is the arument that if there are *MORE* applications for deadly weapons that *FEWER* crazies get them?
Seriously. This is a massive failure of the government and its bureaucracy to protect its citizens.
Oh Wait--that's what John Wayne Jr. wants me to say; it proves the point that we must all defend ourselves.
Pardon the rhetoric, but I hope you never miss the target and hit me, because I will track you down and beat you to your knees with your f**king boom stick.
Shooting Fish in a Barrel is better than the OK Coral for you, sir?
Would EmoDicklessAsshole thought twice (meds or not) if he there was even the remote possibility that maybe one of those students could have defended themselves?
Last month I presented a story of a robbery that ended peacefully because one of the shoppers had a concealed gun in Indiana.
But, again, it's not ABOUT guns!
First, it's about NUT JOBS killing KIDS! I mean, would it be any better if he had thrown a pipe bomb in there? How about running them over with his vehicle in the quad? I invite you to read another story I have posted - No Justice http://blasphemes.blogspot.com/2007/10/no-justice.html#links
Why not blame the video game EmoD.A. was playing? The media already has, again.
God forbid we ask why the FOID card issuers allowed him to have a FOID card! That's a government system set up to protect us from those dirty evil guns. That government system failed 5 families. Why? Can we ask that? Or should they just get a pass because it's just red tape, and we just shrug our shoulders?
Maybe we can ask why his psychiatrist failed? Why did he HAVE a psychiatrist? If it takes a village - why didn't anyone he knows report his nutty behavior shift before he killed those kids?
Besides, NIU was a Gun Free Zone, so you know, you're not allowed to have guns there.
*.*-Free Zones are just asinine. They rank with mood rings, invisible sky wizard palaces, & Global Peace Centers.
My point in the previous post is that the system for handing out boom sticks need to be fixed before we hand out more.
I am in no way defending this weak, cowardly jerk. Hate the notion of 'death by cop,'or that b*tch who killed two bystanders because she had a high-speed tantrum. The truth is that in the interest of justice, people are innocent until proven guilty & in terms of mental capacity, harmless until proven harmful. Sadly, the proof is often very harmful.
The blame lies with this man, the person who sold him a gun, the person who sold him bullets, and the person who said" here ya go, your own projectile-firing penis permit."
The laws/rules/governing bodies that oversee who can own a boom stick and carry it in their waistband needs an *ssload of work. I fear that if we adopt a "chaos theory" attitude, at least initially there will be a great number of dead motorists, check-out clerks, and spouses.Perhaps it would come out in the wash eventually.
However, I re-iterate, I'll be plenty pissed if some would-be hero who hasn't been to the range shoots me or mine trying to save the day.
I think that a gun-for-all spreads the politics of fear, not hope, and I'm just not there with you.
You're answer is to just take away all the guns then?
This isn't smoking cigarettes here...
Try again with a real solution.
I never said take all the guns away.
My solution:
1. Disabuse wannabe heroes of the notion that a gun makes you a hero.
2. Overhaul the system that provides gun permits. Make sure mental cases like love-lorn emo kids & Bronson-emulators cannot get guns. TAKE AWAY guns from the crazy people.
3. Provisionally provide greater access to firearms for non-crazy people after A. an in-depth screening, B. a rigorous education course and C. a competency test, both oral and practical.
4. Stick to the new plan no matter how many innocents are injured in the name of justice. No "good vigilante" laws to protect people who miss.
The system is broken, and needs a fix. Indiscriminate awarding of FOID cards got us here, how can it get us out?
You know what also burns me? If someone shot and wounded this killer (but didn't KILL him), the killer can then sue the would-be hero and likely win the case. Like pouring salt in a wound.
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