Feb 18, 2008

Manga Christ Compells You

He’s dark, he’s moody and he deals in miracles. He is Christ.

That’s the portrait of Jesus depicted by a British artist in a new, abridged version of the Bible illustrated in the “manga” style, the Japanese form of comic books.

The Manga Bible, created by Ajin-bayo Akinsiku, known as Siku, has earned rave reviews in the Christian community and has been endorsed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, who is quoted in the book’s blurb as saying: “It will convey the shock and freshness of the Bible in a unique way.”

All I want to know is - what is Manga Christ doing with that Right Hand of God?


Anonymous said...

Me no rikeee!

Anonymous said...

I'm just using the blog to test my geek skills.

Check out the long tail