This was it.
He looked over his shoulder at the 200 rounds of ammunition. His manifesto was in order, and already on its way to the media outlets. Kurt was ready to make his statement with his AR-15. He reminded himself why he was doing it. He remembered the words that he had written and already sent along.
"No one destroys my dream. No one. I will test the theory that bullets speak louder than words... I will slay your children. I will shed the blood of the innocent."
Then he took a deep breath. Then another.
The shopping center wasn't working for him. He talked himself out of it there. Too many kids? Not enough? But the Super Bowl. That was more like it.
He made sure his handwritten note "do not resuscitate" was easy to find.
He took another deep breath.
He hesitated.
"All this boils down down to an econopolitical confrontation. I cannot outvote, outspend, outtax or outincarcerate my enemies... but for a brief moment, I can outgun them."
He remembered applying for the liquor license at a meeting with the Tempe City Council. His restaurant, called The Haunted Castle, was going to be the perfect! A Halloween-themed goth bar which he knew would have attracted customers, musicians and actors.
The city council vote wasn't going to get him the license, but a "yes" there would have been almost as good as a rubber stamp to the Arizona State Liquor Board -- which has the real authority to grant or deny applications.
It was supposed to be easy. Everyone said it would be. His wife, his kid, everything was riding on that. One stupid vote. He knew that anyone can get a liquor license application approved. Except this time. My time. Those bastards on the Tempe City Council voted 6-1 against me after someone told them the damned nickname of the bar!
"The Patriots versus the Giants... do you see an ironic parallel? How many dollars will you lose? And all because you took my right to work, to own a business, from me."He clenched his fists. Kick-off coming up. It was time.
"Perhaps [web sites] will print up some cool t-shirts like 'I survived Super Bowl XLII.'"
He paused. He looked at the AR-15. Another deep breath. Then he saw his phone.
He hesitated.
He dialed his parents. He crumpled up his note and stuffed it under his seat.
"Hi, dad..."
Shocked, they told him to turn himself in.
Havelock did turn himself in and was arrested and jailed without bail because Magistrate Judge Edward V. Ross said the letters contained the most "chilling words" he had ever seen.
He has been indicted on six counts of sending threatening communications, according to court documents filed Tuesday the 19th in federal court.
According to authorities, Havelock has no criminal history and no history of mental illness. In fact, a mental health evaluation conducted following his arrest found "no mental defects."
I have printed Kurt's name because he did not go through with it. He turned himself in. I wish this story had been reported more before the two shootings in Illinois. Perhaps this story would have helped prevent the other two.
He's still a pathetic, crazy piece of shit.....right??? Bullet to the head please
If he was crazy, he would not have had doubts, he would not have considered his action aberrant. If he were a piece of shit, he would have attempted to inflict pain on people who had nothing to do with his problems.
Instead, he was a sane, stressed, angry man who stood up for what was right. He faced the consequences of his actions (i.e. his "manifesto").
Y'all can tell me I'm wrong if you've never been mad & said "I'm gonna f**kin kill you" to someone without meaning it a little.
What you [i] *YOU* [/i] do with a loaded gun?
I wouldn't have called the bar Drunkensteins... I would have called it a family "brew pub and grill" or something more polite to get the vote.
Second, a goth bar? In f*@ing Arizona? Do you know how much melted face paint would have stained the floor? Yuck. On top of it, some of those goth kids don't shower much... and summer would have reeeeeekkkeeed.
Yeah, the dude is nuts.
He's crazier than a shithouse rat, get over it. Anyone with such nonsense rattling around in their skulls is crazy. Non-crazy people don't come up plots to kill people at the Zuper Bowl
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