Feb 13, 2008

Waffles or Pancakes?

So what’s it gonna be? Waffles or Pancakes? VOTE. And make sure you back up your choice with supporting evidence… and syrup. Lots and lots of syrup.


Anonymous said...

What about french toast? I think this should be a 3-way battle royale! Welcome to Syrup-Dome!!!!

Anonymous said...

Waffles are pancakes with syrup compartments. Waffles Rule!

Anonymous said...

Um, to the unititiated in the ways of Breakfast....

French Toast is toast. it's overly eggy bread. While it does have its place in the Morning Foods Pantheon, it ranks below the WAFFLE.

Will grant that French Toast is seated at the right hand of the WAFFLE, while pancakes is forced to get the mail and do the cleaning.

Seriously, this is even up for debate?

It's akin to asking "Steak, or Tacos with ground beef: You Decide"

Pancakes are what poor, un-technologically developed people eat. Pancakes can be made in some crummy pan that was used to make any number of things, including meth-amphetamine, whereas the WAFFLE can only be made in a WAFFLE iron. All batter longs to be a WAFFLE.

I think the deciding factor is this:

Can you eat a pancake sans syrup, fruit, or sweet, sweet powdered sugar? NO.

Can you eat a delectable, sweet and savory manna that is the WAFFLE without frippery? Of course, you can.

Capn said...

I given you a chance to VOTE for this thing.... so VOTE

French Toast? French Toast surrendered.

Anonymous said...


It surrendered to my belly.


The France-bashing must end.
Kisses, Toast, Bread, Wine, Fries, Lick, Horns, Resistance...what more do you haters want from these people?!