Another dickless asshole has shot up a room full of helpless soft targets in a school, again. This time someone didn't get a valentine, and went on a rampage. I will not print that piece of shit's name out of respect to his victims. As I hope that someday ALL news media outlets will adapt.
For the people who are picking up their signs ready to rail against guns, it's emotion not facts that makes you feel that the gun, not the gunman is to blame. As a counter to your asinine plays on emotion, here are some facts that you need to get into your brain.
Gun Supply and Homicide Rate:

And if you read it carefully, the numbers actually decline when there are more guns. Nutty.
How about concealed carry? Here's the newest letter Nevermind:
Major crime fell dramatically in states which have legalized the carrying of concealed handguns, according to a comprehensive new study at the University of Chicago.
I see in the news going to school is hazardous to your health now in IL. I read a headline that said, "we didn't know what to do." Well, it is a tragedy, but what they should do is rethink gun legislation in IL. I'm talking about concealed carry. I'm talking about concealed carry on campuses. Had it been allowed (and if I were a student), I would have been happy to dispatch this coward with well placed shots in center mass of his chest and head. He would have likely still killed innocents, but at least they would have had a fighting chance with a legally armed citizen on their side. When is the US going to learn that guns in the hands of the right people do save lives. I would have happily blasted that scumbag in Nebraska, those two shits in Colorado, and all the other countless shitheads that need more love and hugs in their lives. Knowing Illinois and public opinion, they'll spin this to punish the law-abiding, not the nut jobs that shouldn't have firearms in the first place.Why can't these people just kill themselves by themselves and not take anyone else with them? What's the point? At least maybe God would forgive your own suicide, but I don't think you'll be forgiven for killing innocents, then yourself. Yikes. Just yikes. Good luck gents. If you go to any public places, be watching for things that don't fit. Look for the people in the crowd that don't fit, like a guy with a big overcoat on a hot day. Watch your backs. Know your exits. Check your corners, and always know how to arm yourselves to fight and win. If you're in the home, have that 12 gauge with 00 buck ready. Get a .357 and teach your wives how to shoot. Get a Surefire flashlight and change the batteries regularly. Have a minimum of 50 rounds for each weapon. And most important, do not be a victim. Assume you'll have to fight for your life. If you do, you'll be ready.
Interesting, but you say "what good is introducing another gun to the problem, you'll just end up with more bodies, right?"
Here are more of those pesky "facts" to back up Nevermind's "insane" position.
Here are more of those pesky "facts" to back up Nevermind's "insane" position.
Major crime fell dramatically in states which have legalized the carrying of concealed handguns, according to a comprehensive new study at the University of Chicago.
For the first time, researchers analyzed crime statistics for all 3,054 counties in the United Sates between 1977 and 1992, according to one of the authors of the unpublished study, Professor John Lott. After adjusting for a general fall in crime rates, the study found that:
* In the 31 states that now have "concealed right to carry" laws, murders were down, on average, by 8.5 percent.
* Rapes were down 5 percent and serious assaults by 7 percent.
* In cities with populations of more than 250,000, murder rates dropped after the passage of such laws by an average of 13.5 percent.
According to the study, the fall in crime did not result from an increased use of guns, but from potential criminals avoiding confrontations. In fact, criminals apparently shifted to lower-risk offenses, since property crimes increased in those states. Other findings included:
* The most dramatic falls in murder rates were in areas where the number of women carrying firearms was high.
* The study found that for every woman who carries a concealed hand, the murder rate fell by three to four times more than it would have if one more man had carried a concealed gun.
* If states with concealed handgun bans had allowed them in 1992, about 1,570 murders, 4,177 rapes and more than 60,000 aggravated assaults would have been avoided.
In addition, the researchers found no evidence of an increase in accidental killings or suicides in states with concealed carry laws.
Sources: Ian Katz, "'Gun Law' Cuts Crime Rate, US Study Finds," Guardian, August 3, 1996, and Dennis Cauchon, "Study: Weapons Laws Deter Crime: Fewer Rapes, Murders Found Where Concealed Guns Legal," USA Today, August 2, 1996.
But you've never heard of a mass murder in a school with a knife? Right?
The Osaka School Massacre took place on June 8, 2001, at Ikeda Elementary School, an elite primary school affiliated with Osaka Kyoiku University in Osaka Prefecture, Japan.
At 10:15 that morning, 37-year-old former janitor Mamoru Takuma entered the school armed with a kitchen knife and began stabbing numerous school children and teachers. He killed eight children, mostly between the ages of seven and eight, and seriously wounded thirteen other children and two teachers. Takuma was later convicted and sentenced to death by hanging.
I'm going to have to repeat myself here. If you're going to blow your head off, fine. Be my guest. Just be a man about it and blow YOUR head off - don't run around shooting other people, or stabbing kids, or detonating yourself in a crowded café, or ramming your car into them at an intersection (Blasphemes "No Justice"). Just kill yourself. Okay? Can we all come to an agreement on that?
Perhaps we should punish the relatives of assholes who kill others? Maybe that'll put a stop to it? Before we talk about taking away the guns, maybe we should turn off all those cameras that give this sort of tragedy wall-to-wall coverage on the news, further glamorizing it? I mean, isn't Britney doing anything right now? Can we check? Quickly before some teenager who was shot down by the head cheerleader decides to get revenge by shooting up the school.
"For the people who are picking up their signs ready to rail against guns, it's emotion not facts that makes you feel that the gun, not the gunman is to blame. As a counter to your asinine plays on emotion, here are some facts that you need to get into your brain. "
Speaking of asinine plays on emotion and "respect for the victims". Isn't publishing one guy's "Die Hard" stroke fantasy pretty much the same thing?
I guess everyone is a bad-ass sitting behind their keyboard.
Oh, and by the way, your guy Lott has got some research model and ethical problems to boot.
Being wikipedia take it for what it's worth but it shows at least that his research has some flaws and his conclusions are questionable.
Oh, and by the way, your guy Lott has got some research model and ethical problems to boot.
Being wikipedia take it for what it's worth but it shows at least that his research has some flaws and his conclusions are questionable.
"Handguns are made for killin', they ain't good for nothin' might even shoot yourself." J. Van Zant
Am in agreement that such perpetrators should be denied a "media pyre," but still contend legal gun owners and users have an enormous responsibility to do no harm--unless its to mentally unstable, violent people, criminals, and peeps what done them wrong.
An armed populace must needs be a skilled populace. Considering how many morons and dangereous folks are allowed to endangr and annoy others with their automobiles, I doubt that the government/police organisations can effectly monitor those law-abiding, gun-toting, bad-ass dudes & momas.
There was a TV movie about a concealed carry town. In a hold up of the GROCERY STORE (dumb criminals, hungry criminals?), a number of citizens pulled their piece and died. The town's hotshot freak job sporting 2 .357's in a jackass rig took the bad guys down eventually.
So you want a gun, the chance to be Mr. Dirty Harry citizen soldier? Make sure you train like a motherf**ker, and make sure your cohorts do too.
If people are willing to commit timw and monmey to be good shots and self-less defenders, fine. Cowboys we don't need.
PS no ad hominem attacks for spelling mistakes please, nearly lost 2 tentacles in a disagreement w. Mr. Table Saw
So what's your point?
At least I took the time to insert some data to back up my reader's letter. Flawed or not, it is data published from a highly respected institution.
Yeah, that's right, "Nevermind" sent me a letter. And he had the balls to sign in, "Mr. Anonymous." That's why I posted it.
Update to the story - that shouldn't surprise anyone - The Gunman was off his meds.
Even the NRA agrees that mentally challenged folks shouldn't have access to weapons. So who sold him/gave him the gun? That's going to be a more interesting story than "ban the gun"
Doubt anyone will write that story though.
PS - Anyone else pissed off about that CNN banner ad next to the story?!
"Nevermind", "cap'n" and "Cthulu" are all the names on your driver licenses? Don't blow crap to me because I didn't take the time to think up a clever screen name. Let's just say then that my screen name is "Anonymous".
As for your data, you said in your own article it was unpublished. Here it is:
"For the first time, researchers analyzed crime statistics for all 3,054 counties in the United Sates between 1977 and 1992, according to one of the authors of the unpublished study, Professor John Lott. After adjusting for a general fall in crime rates, the study found that:"
Studies that stand up to peer review and have replicatable results from other researchers get published, flawed studies usually don't.
This particluar study was called into question because he neglected to account for some important variables which distort the results. Basic research methods. So you can provide data to back it up but it has as little value if the conclusion is flawed or if the date is anecdotal.
I know I'm late, but I'm checking in. I'm okay and everyone I personally know is okay.
The TA teaching the class is a good friend of one of the guys that lives upstairs from me. He took one in the shoulder, but he's fine.
To everyone having the gun battle here, I have to say that there's no easy solution to this. Giving everyone guns isn't the answer, but what does scare me is that someone pretty balanced comes off his medication and does something like this.
My concern is less about guns and more about if we really need to medicate people so much if they bottom out like this after they quit taking it. I'm bipolar, and when I was getting treatment for it in middle school I refused to even start taking the medication and just learned to lasso the emotions in the best I could. It was hard, but I did it. My sister on the other hand, has the same condition and can't function without her medication because she NEVER LEARNED TO COPE. The very concept of it makes me sick.
I wish people would focus more on actually TREATING the problem rather than throwing a pill at it.
Yeah, well read his exchanges with the readers and you will see that his opinion seems to be that despite the fact that almost every other study on the subject has come to different conclusions than his, they are all wrong and he is the only one that is right.
This guy reminds me of my dad.
Like I said, if the study isn't published, there is a darn good reason.
Amen Cap'n. I fear we have to watch out for students more than we have to watch out for Al-Quaeda. Who has killed more Americans in the last 5 years??
Oh well, whatever, Nevermind. Brings me back...
P.S. You must respect the machine Cthulhu-san, its just waiting to bite you when you lose that respect. Thats the most dangerous piece of equipment in a home workshop. Hope you are OK.
Well, DB - I'm on my meds today, so we all have that going for us.
We're up to 10 on the comments for this story - even if one is a repost from the same person.
Way to go Blasphemes readers, I'm guessing that the economy is tanking and you all haven't anything else better to do at those "jobs" of yours?
MY JOB requires the interwebs, & am on a bit of break from heavy lifting due to damaged tentacles...
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