Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama opened himself up for attack from Hillary Clinton with the foreign policy issue. This adds to his comments about attacking terrorists in Pakistan without Pakistani go ahead... The newest comment he's in hot water over is his comments about the use of nuclear weapons. Obama said he would not use nuclear weapons to go after al Qaeda or Taliban targets in Afghanistan or Pakistan," But, immediately after he did that, he said, (paraphrased) "Well, no, I'm going to take that back. If we had to, we would." Then he said, "No, just scrub the whole thing."
This is second day in a row that Barack Obama has opened himself up to the Clinton attack machine. The saddest part is, that he doesn't even know it yet.
What's the big deal about his ruling out the use of nuclear weapons? I for one, don't really want to see a lot of mushroom clouds going up - any where, pretty much ever. But how do these little gaffs affect him, and his entire campaign? Easy. Hillary can just simply question of his experience and naïveté all the way until SuperDuperTuesday.
Meanwhile, Top Pakistan officials said Obama's comment was irresponsible and likely made for political gain in the race for the Democratic nomination. Never mind that Pakistan has been a big help to our efforts in Afghanistan if for only one reason - flyover rights. Let's go to the map. How does the US military get to Afghanistan if you can't fly over Pakistan? That's right, Iran. And that's another whole bag of worms. Let's also forget that our being allied with Pakistan, and the United State's kind of I-was-in-her-graduating-class-but-
I-didn't-know-her-relationship with India is probably keeping these two nations from starting a nuclear war with each other right now. Really, it doesn't matter what Pakistan thinks of Barack Obama right now. What really matters are his supporters and donors.
Again, Obama is walking the tightrope of his constituency - who not only believe that we need to leave Iraq, but also abhors ALL war. How are these people, who believe they have their anti-all-war candidate talking about attacking anyone, militarily? So now he's opening himself up to a two front attack, from the hardcore peace advocates who won't understand his war mongering stance -- and those who believe his waffle flipping on nuclear arms (while a non issue) shows waffle flipping and indecisiveness - even if there isn't any.
Hillary must be salivating right now.
Obama's generosity with hypothetical answers may very well come back to bite him in the backside. Currently he may be portrayed as a media darling, but eventually Ms. Rodham will issue order 66, and all media will turn to assassinate all of the remaining candidates. Once that directive begins, his hypothetical answers, repeated sans question, will be used to the Exalted One's advantage. He will be hung out to dry in ropes he wove himself. The net he cast to draw in voters unraveling into a hangman's noose.
Obama's young, and it's been said that his age will allow him to be involved in politics for the next quarter century or more. There exists the idea that while his inexperience may prevent his securing the nomination this time, he can safely set his sights on 2016, 2020, or beyond.
However, one has to wonder if he's doing irreparable damage with these gaffs. Perhaps he jumped into presidential politics too early in his career, and is putting into jeopardy his future runnings.
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