The new 'Definitive Gold Box Edition' boasts the following super features and whiz-bang add-ons:
- Available Audio Tracks: English (Dolby Digital 5.1), English (Dolby Digital 2.0)
- Commentary by: David Lynch, Kyle MacLachlan, Mädchen Amick - Dolby Digital 2.0
- All 29 Episodes plus the original pilot (both U.S. Network and International versions) on 10 discs
- Remastered picture from the original negative with 5.1 Sound, both personally approved by David Lynch
- Original broadcast 2.0 audio
- Deleted Scenes
- Exclusive feature length documentary: 'Secrets from Another Place'
- 'A Slice of Lynch' featurette
- 'Return to Twin Peaks' featurette
- Interactive Map of Twin Peaks
- The complete Log Lady introductions
- Saturday Night Live: Kyle MacLachlan’s monologue and the Twin Peaks comedy sketch
- The 'Falling' Music Video with Julee Cruise
I can't tell you what a a pain in the ass it's been to be a consumer of DVD's. I typically buy my DVD's, especially if I think I'll get two or more viewings, or if someone else would like to borrow it. Lately, I'll purchase a DVD and not more than a week or two later, I'll read some grand announcement proclaiming the all-time-greatest version with cleaned up audio, print, extra disk and whatever: compared to the disk I just bought. And I mean JUST bought.
Allow me to offer a perfect 'For instance' - Zodiac. Good movie, wanted to see it in the theatre - as you know - have an infant, can't go to the movies that often - specially not for a 3 hour film. Right? A good purchase over rental so I can watch it at my leisure.
Pop it in, about a three days of viewing to get through it due to many interruptions. The disk was lean with specials, but I popped into the special features area for a look: And what do you know? There's a goddamned ad for the special edition DVD on the DVD I just friggin' bought! The AD is a Special Feature!? And the new one will have two disks, a break down shot list with David Fincher, commentary from the caterer, the transportation captain has a documentary, and the Best Boy explains the title 'Best Boy.'
I am perplexed as to why I continue to buy DVD's, when the better, definitive edition will be coming out the moment I purchase the lame current edition? Star Wars - I have about 18 versions of Star Wars. Between my VHS - pan and scan, then VHS - THX remastered letterbox, DVD - bootleg of the originals from a laser disk, DVD - Lucasfilm new special edition, and then when they came out with another goddamned version with the uncut original AND the one where Greedo shoots first - the next Christmas that's when I threw my hands up in the air.
They did it to me again this week with RoboCop - and there was a Criterion version of it with Verhoeven- but I never saw it in the stores. I rented it from NetFlix. The commentary was amazing - mostly because of the stuff Verhoeven was going for, like the ED 209 was supposed to look like a Huey from Vietnam, which, it kind of does. It also looks like a bad ass robot that likes to kill accidentally. So there's another version of this one coming out.
And another Stanley Kubrick disk set with all kinds of extras - and the Blu Ray stuff.
The newest set includes are brand new versions of:
2001: A Space Odyssey - Special Edition (2-disc)
A Clockwork Orange: Special Edition (2-disc)
Eyes Wide Shut: Special Edition (2-disc)
Full Metal Jacket: Deluxe Edition
The Shining: Special Edition (2-disc)
I do wonder if Stanley really wanted that to ever happen? In fact, the Kubrick set has changed a couple of times - the addition of the Tom Cruise documentary and Eyes Wide Shut made my original box set lame and old. The new version makes mine even older and lamer?
Here's the thing though, I'm not running out and replacing what I already own. Don't do it, I'm not going to do it. I have replaced many of the VHS movies with DVD's, or have bought DVD's where the VHS wasn't available. But the argument that the fan boys are buying multiple copies for every version has to be wrong... okay, so I did it when they made a better print of Blue Velvet. And the original Trilogy (as noted earlier). Dazed and Confused... And probably Blade Runner... (which, there's another 5 disk set of THAT coming out too - the Final Cut by Riddley Scott. My god, Riddley fiddles with this movie more than some guys play with their junk. Lucas looks lazy next to this guy.) I should pick that up ... oh,
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