And, of course, after the second Rush Hour, where Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan left us dangling - yet again - on multiple plot threads. Was the asthmatic man in the black mask really his father? Would they be able to destroy the One Ring in the fiery pit of Mt. Doom? Would they continue to be forced to live with the terrible lie and continue to hide their deepest love for one another? These answers- are hopefully - finally put to rest with the opening of this weekend's third installment.
Now I know that 67.8 million dollars worth of people went to see the answers displayed as the two mis-matched coppers brought their brand of action and comedy to Paris (of all places!) But please - DON'T TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!
I was unable to make it to the theater this weekend - it's a long story - but please, please - don't tell me how they wrapped up the ending. Don't tell me if the Cooper doppelganger exited the Black Lodge, thus taking the real Cooper's place and what he does next. Don't even think about explaining how Jack and the rest of the passengers of flight 815 got off the island and how they were able to shift the time from flashbacks to flash forwards. And please please please do not tell me why 678,000 people (67.8 divided by 10 bucks) decided to leave their homes, and watch this movie - because this is the greatest mystery of all.
1 comment:
Well this review could apply to at least 3/4 of what Hollywood throws at us year in, year out. I will now flip a coin to determine if this movie can be referred to as "feces" or "garbage"
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