Joining the most awkward dinner party since Darth Vader, Han and Princess Leia met on Cloud City, when Dr. No invited James Bond to dinner, Spencer Tracy and Sidney Poitier, or when your sister brought her African boyfriend to Thanksgiving just to try to give your dad one more heart attack... George Bush and Al Gore.
Bush will host the American winners of this year's Nobel Prizes in the Oval Office on Nov. 26 -- including the winner of the Peace Prize, former Vice-President Al Gore, according to a report in the Washington Post.
Moreover, reports the Post, the White House took great pains to accommodate Gore's schedule -- moving the event after a conflict was discovered. All this and a personal call from the president to his former rival for the highest office. So no, he WILL NOT be able to decline.
"The president wanted to call him and lock that in and make sure he's going to be able to come," said White House spokesman Tony Fratto. "He also offered his congratulations and said he looked forward to having him here."
There is precedent!
Bush invited Jimmy Carter to the White House to celebrate his Nobel Peace Prize in 2002. This invite came on the heels of the former president criticizing Bush about his ramping up for war in Iraq. Keep your friends close - enemies closer?
The current invite to Gore breaks an apparent deadlock in relations between the two men.
According to the Post report, Gore has not returned to the White House since leaving as vice president. Because Gore thinks Bush is a "doodie-head" or something.
That's like a cat banging a dog
He has not returned because:
a) He is a doodie-head
b) He does not like Bush
c) He was not invited
d) He is not in the executive branch
I report; you decide.
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