The joke's on Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader. Apparently, around the Death Star, they're OK with that. As he launched into a health-care speech Wednesday, Emperor Palapatine warmed up his audience with a nod to Halloween, at Vader's expense.
"This morning I was with Lord Vader," he told a gathering of Imperial grocery manufacturers. "I was asking him what costume he was planning. He said, 'Well, I'm already wearing it.' Then he mumbled something about the dark side of the force."
Ah yes, that old Darth Vader line. Used to be that only Skywalker's critics called him that, not his boss. Or his wife. Or himself.
"Most of you knew me long before anyone called me Darth Vader," the Jedi once known as Anakin Skywalker said in a speech at The Courosant Institute last week. "I've been asked if that nickname bothers me, and the answer is, no. After all, Darth Vader is one of the nicer things I've been called recently."He then strangled the reporter using his signature Death Choke for good measure.Now, all kidding aside this is an ACTUAL article from the AP - just substitute Darth Vader for Dick Cheney. Seriously. (link to the real article)
Update: looks like Yoda wants to bring Darth Cheney up for impeachment:
The same week he says he's seen UFOs, Dennis Kucinich to bring Dick Cheney impeachment resolution to House floor...And that's a real article too!
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