She's not an entertainer, she's not a news reader, she is - at best - a half wit. I know I won't tune in, but the reason for my letter is a warning: She's historically a major pain to work with, and work for.
Perhaps you're not familiar with Rosie? You're only interested in her numbers? Please take notes. Rosie began her tour of ruining entertainment on Ed McMahon's Star Search.
She was then the wacky neighbor in Gimme a Break! - the series died not long afterward. She followed this by Stand By Your Man on FOX; which bombed. Somehow she convinced a casting agent she could be in a movie.
She was on Wrigley Field with A League of their Own - Sleepless in Seattle - then Betty Rubble in The Flintstones (wasn't Betty supposed to be a smokin' hot brunette?) Then in the case of worst false advertising ever - she was in Beautiful Girls: Truly a travesty of justice. However, she was properly cast as a gorilla in Disney's Tarzan.
She then went on to have a talk show in New York, that was nothing more than free advertising for Broadway musicals. She shot koosh balls into the crowd, and softballs at her guests - until Tom Selleck sat down one day...
She clobbered Selleck by challenging his involvement with the NRA. Dismiss the fact that she cashed paychecks from the largest firearms dealer in the USA - K-Mart. Overlook that her bodyguard had a concealed firearm permit... and frequently took Rosie's adopted children to their school with said firearm... Sounds like a typical hypocritical dumb celebrity: She has no problem enjoying the second amendment; as long as you don't.
Her involvement in the Rosie magazine has been written about in length - but to say that it was one of the largest trainwrecks in magazine history wouldn't be out of bounds. When you end up suing everyone involved, and publicly say,
[people who lie] "get sick and they get cancer. If they keep lying, they get it again"
...of one of your close friends and co-workers, who is also cancer survivor; yeah, that's a train wreck. And you want to hire her?
Perhaps you know that she was also on Barbra Walter's hen house chat fest The View?
Here are just a few of her highlights that I looked up:
2. Is a 9/11 Truther
3. Picked a fight with all of Catholicism over abortion
4. Made a racist remark that offended all of Central and Eastern Asia.
5. Picked a fight with the US Military, twice.
6. Picked a fight with the US Military, twice.
7. Picked a fight with Elisabeth Hasselbeck - (I guess she's on the View too?)
8. Picked a fight with Barbra Walters - lost.
She claimed that she left the View because of a "contract dispute", however, you don't have to be a cunning linguist to read "Barbra showed me the door because I'm such a pain in the ass."
Again, MSNBC - Rosie might get ratings against the wrinkled prune that was once Larry King. I'm not denying this. But Barbra's show had 'buzz' with Rosie. The View even made the news, while all they did was sit around talking about the news. The View had great numbers with the Rose. But they still sh*tcanned her, and replaced her with... Whoopie Goldberg? Wow. They made the choice to lose money by letting her go. Let me reiterate this: the choice to lose ratings and money won over working with Rosie for another season.
If you need a larger warning post, I don't have it.
MSNBC has declined comment; a representative of O'Donnell couldn't be reached, mostly because I could give a rip.
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