I have my doubts about the web source... the link goes to ICECAP:
Be sure to check out their "who we are page". Just so you know it's not biased or nothin'!
Story ideas that I'm working on:
*Draft Al Gore for DNC, or the Green Party! Whichever is funnier. Both are pretty damn funny, if you think about them.
*Quit driving - This activity supports the war, our enemies, and creates obesity... work in progress.
*Stop Global Warming: It's time to nuke the sun! That's right. Let's just nuke it! Who's with me?
Here's another thought, how come no one has brought up the deforestation of the South American rainforests/jungles? I mean, wasn't that the big deal back in the late 80's and half the Earth Days in the 90's? There was even a South Park episode about it... what, did we save the rainforests? No? Hmmm... might that be causing this global warming issue? How come no one talks about rainforests anymore?
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