Boston Celtics have won their sixth straight game to start their season. ESPN is already chattering about how they're going to match the 95-96 Bulls 72-10 record. Sure... They won six games, let's not start talkin' trash about the Dynasty Bulls just yet. Maybe if their Big 3 stay healthy, Boston could possibly make it. I say that they wouldn't make it out of the second round if they were in the Western Conference...
Some blog listed Clemens, Matsui among the names on Mitchell list. It was also mentioned on an XM sports talk program - even though the rumors seem to be growing out of control - IF the public can get their hands on the Mitchell report, it won't be until after the New Year. If there are suspensions (probably not) 50 or more players out could make for a terrible spring for most of the clubs.
Oh, and Grossman's back. And as much QB drama that the Bears have, it ain't nothin' compared to the Panthers. Another note - I'm lovin' the Dolphins really sucking like a vacuum cleaner for some reason. Oh, I know why, because they could potentially blank an entire season and the 72 team might finally get eclipsed by Tom Brady wonderhouse, do-no-wrong-team.
Now that I think about it, Boston is the anti-Chicago right now. World Series, NFL Dynasty, and the Celtics are good again. What's in the water in Boston?
As far as the Colts are concerned, I think that what has happened to them in the past two weeks is a very good example and could be a case study on what teamwork is really about. Peyton Manning is a great quarterback, but without the other first string members in the game, things just don't click as well. On the other hand, the team did a pretty good job of holding the Patriots scoring down and the team made a good comeback against the Chargers. Vinatari (sp) did not have a good game in the fact that he failed to make 2 crucial field goals. I have not yet given up on them,
In other news Michael Jordan has to pay his ex-wife $168 million. My question is this: If you're a famous actor, musician or athlete, why the hell do you get married? Just bang chicks like they were running out of style, or have a live-in girlfriend that you bang and still bang chicks on the side. If she doesn't like it...beat it.
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