I have nothing against consumerism, capitalism or even blind devotion to the free market society. All that said, you'd have to pay me a significant amount to camp out in a parking lot, wake up early and fight the crowds just for a chance of some marginally good deal.
My hatred of crowds and "spanners" is legendary.
What's a spanner? The group of people (old ladies, young women, family, teenagers, fat people, tall people, whomever) that spans 4-6 people abreast and lopes along chatting, browsing, meandering while blocking an entire aisle. These people are also on sidewalks in front of me - all the time.
It's infuriating when they're completely oblivious to the fact that anyone is behind them... enraging when they just don't care.

If I ever snap and whack an old lady upside the head, you can bet she was a spanner.
Nearly as bad are the wobblers... individuals who do the essentially the same thing, but by wobbling side-to-side looking at each side of an aisle.
I don't understand their utter lack of awareness of anything going on around them. I just say "pardon me" in a firm but polite tone while simultaneously forcing my way through them with my cart.
However, if you ARE going to camp out and bear the rush of people who are shopping for ten dollars off last year's LCD flat screen, here are some thoughts:
Black Friday Tips:
1. Avoid digital cameras in general. You can do better online.
2. You almost can't go wrong with the widespread deals on GPS.
3. Those Polaroid TVs from Wal-mart are cheep, but you read this site and should know better.
4. Best Buy's doorbuster 40" Samsung 1080p TV? Similar deal at Sears, I hear.
5. Where's Apple? Here's Apple. No word on their deals yet.
Thanks for all the source research from [blackfriday.info]
To see pretty ad pictures hit up [bfads]
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