And all that garbage that is on this year probably won't be canceled.
You see, the writers want a more balanced and fair wage based on the new outlets that their creation is making money. It's not about the first run, or the re-run or the syndication - it's about DVD box sets, online through the Apple iTunes store, your iPod, mobile phone V-Casts, and anything else the show owners figure out how to make a buck off of. Hey, I wonder if we can show last night's Heroes on the refrigerator? Let's look into that...
The show owners (producers) take on the writer's position? Ah, not so much.
So get ready for a LOT of game shows, more reality shows (which are really just game shows, you know?) and dancing with old D-listers, and... well what's the difference from what's already on??
Alternatives? Perhaps now would be a good time to look into video games. Perhaps a book? With the Blackhawk homegames on, I might even watch a hockey game...
Yeah, right.
Dude, you should start watching Hawk games. Toews and Kane are two of the most dynamic young hockey players in the NHL and the Hawks shold be good for a long time going forward. Lord Stanley's Cup will be won in our fair city within the next 5 years.
-X.G.S. '93
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