Nov 2, 2007

Phone it in

Here's a link to tell Todd Stoger where to stick his phone tax. The original form letter was good, but I decided to add a couple notes too.
"Dear County Commissioner, Todd Stroger,

Please oppose the proposed $4 monthly phone tax. Like many residents, I live in Cook County because of the many benefits the area offers, but, by overtaxing those who can least afford it, you are forcing us to make very difficult decisions. Families cannot afford additional taxes on phones, or gas, or cigarettes, or anything else you have proposed.

The phone tax, which would add $48 per year per phone line, makes just surviving in Cook County much more expensive when the cost of everything else is skyrocketing.... including my City and State taxes. Thank you for making it a perfect storm with County taxes going up at the same time!

You must vote "NO" to the phone tax and stop taxing residents out of Cook County...

While we're at it...

I'm against ALL your proposed Crazy 888 ideas until you "trim the fat" from the existing County budget. You also have to show your work, and carry all the ones.

Until you go after people who haven't paid at the John Stroger hospital - until you change the broken pensions, perhaps 401K's instead of the outdated, bloated ones the County hands out - and fair share healthcare like the rest of the VOTING population - don't add new taxes to my wallet.
I'll keep you posted to the form letter I get back. If you live in Cook County, hit the link and send Urkel your best wishes. I do not know if this will also include my DSL line, my home phone, my cell phone and my wife's... that's a lot of 4 dollars... let me do the math... 192...

192!?! Just for a phone?! F-U Urkel!

I do wonder who sponsored this site though? Probably the phone companies - or even the tenants of the Sears Tower - you gotta think that there are probably one million phone lines just in that building.

Some of you (onef) have asked why I dislike the Crazy 888 (more) plan Todd has proposed.
When Todd Stroger (D) was asked if there were any fat in the current budget that might be cut, he answered something like this (I paraphrase, but the content is accurate): "With a budget of $3 Billion, sure, there is fat in there somewhere. But is there $300 Million of fat? No, not even close. The accurate amount of possible fat in our current budget is more like $1 Million."

$1,000,000 worth of fat in a $3,000,000,000 budget? Come on, Todd Stroger (D). Most COUNTRIES in the world do not have $3 BILLION dollar budgets to work with. And you claim that there is less than 1/3 of 1 percent waste in your $3 BILLION dollar budget? Well, of course he believes this. Government simply cannot do with even a penny less than what is coming into the coffers now via soaking those gullible taxpayers.
I found that on Todd Stroger And that was found on an automatic Google search!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah...don't forget about the fucking incompetent(sp?) retards at the CTA too. They caught a case of dipshit-itis just like this toolbox Stroger and these other jagoffs who want me to pay more taxes...with the money probably going to people who are too fucking lazy in the first place to get off their dead ass to work. They sure aren't spending what little money they have on contraception. Zing!