"I thought, ‘He’s gonna kill us,’” the deliveryman said. “They’re gonna get what they want, and still kill me. I pulled my gun. I shot him three times, and he fell.”These are the words of a would-be deadman. On Monday, at 11:15 PM a deliveryman in east Charlotte said he didn't draw his concealed Glock 22 until the last possible moment. A strong reason for not drawing his firearm earlier would be that he was too busy being pistol whipped by two of his would be murderers and robbers. It wasn't until one of his assailants lifted his shirt did he finally pull the trigger.
Two twenty year olds, Gregory James Hardy and Daunntrae Wallace - both convicted felons... one on probation, and the other awaiting trial. Wallace was convicted of breaking and entering and larceny in 2006. He was fined and given three years probation. In May, he was convicted of carrying a concealed gun and given another year of probation. Court records show Hardy was convicted of car theft in 2006 and given three years probation. He was sent to prison for six months in 2007 when he violated his probation by trespassing. One would assume robbery and murder were planned for their resume that evening.
A third 'suspect' fled the scene, and was possibly wounded as well.
The deliveryman, a 57 year old, had worked as a jail detention officer and as a sheriff's deputy, and he left that job in 2004.
The deliveryman had returned to the shop when his manager asked him if he wanted a Coke from the McDonald's across the street. The deliveryman declined, and the manager left. The deliveryman continued cleaning the shop.
Moments later, three men barged in, two pointing guns. The first one said, "I mean business. Open the safe."

"I don't have access to the safe."
"Get down!"
When the deliveryman didn't, the man pistol-whipped him. Then the men ordered him into the bathroom while they lie in wait for the manager to return.
The man who waited in the bathroom with the deliveryman ordered him to wrap his arms around the toilet, kneeling, and then demanded money.'
“Every time I hesitated, he hit me. I have so many bumps,” the driver said. He turned over his $42 in tips for the night and a gold chain with a Jesus medallion he’s worn for almost 40 years.
The whole time, the driver tried to keep his gun pressed against his body, under his baggy shirt. The driver has a concealed carry permit, and began carrying after being robbed twice in the past two years.
When the manager finally returned, the men grabbed him. One of the others told deliveryman to crawl into the cooler in the back.
"I can't crawl" - realizing this would reveal his weapon. When he stood up, the man hit him, and he ended up in the cooler.
"Gimmie yo' car keys!" And he hit deliveryman again, leaving a 2 inch gash next to his left eye.
This is when the 'suspect' lifted up deliveryman's shirt. The robber was about to see his gun. And that's the last thing he ever saw.
The second robber ran back to rush into the cooler, and the deliveryman dropped him too. The third suspect ran away.
When police and EMT arrived at the scene, two bodies were on the floor with their guns nearby.
Deliveryman does not see himself as a hero, and has withheld his name for fear for his family's safety. No charges have been filed against the deliveryman. As this was a Pizza-Hut, it's likely that he will lose his job for violating the corporate policy against bringing firearms into the workplace, despite the self-defense nature of the situation.
“It’s hard-earned money, and they think they can just take it?” he said.
Please note: Not once was the word victim used in this re-telling of the story.
Observer Ely Portillo and Steve Lyttle and researcher Maria David and staff writer Cleve R. Wootson, Jr. contributed.