Sep 13, 2010

You're Going To Die In A Fire!

An ominous theme has emerged from the wreckage of a deadly pipeline explosion in California... There are thousands of pipes just waiting to EXPLODE under YOUR house... RIGHT NOW!!! AHH! We're all going to DIE! We're going to DIE IN A FIRE!?!! OH NOOSS!!!


And now, we can blame the corporations that are supposed to be maintaining these things - and they obviously haven't and have been giving all those fat profits to their share holders - the capitalist pigdogs -- now we've all got pipe BOMBS under OUR NEIGHBORHOODS! Just waiting to go off - who knows when!? WE NEED MORE GOVERNMENT TO REGULATE and INSPECT these un-funded pipe bombs... or we're going to DIE!!! AAahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

At least the minor oil spills in Illinois and Michigan aren't getting any coverage.

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