Sep 23, 2010

Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day....
"They claim it’s democracy. I claim it’s an abuse of democracy. You can find 3 percent against the Constitution of the United States, 3 percent against democracy, against the Bible."
DONALD L. PLUSQUELLIC, mayor of Akron, Ohio, who survived a recall election after opponents gained the required 3,200 signatures in a city of more than 200,000.

NYTimes is running an article about all these mayors who are getting recalled across the country.

Oh, it's so tough running a little town. And when the people see you're raising their water taxes, or doing something inappropriate they boot your soft tooshie? Waaa.

In the case of Donald Plusquellic, the bad people in town who didn't pay attention only had to get signatures of 20 percent of those who voted in the last election. But because Mr. Plusquellic had run unopposed in his last general election, few people had voted, so fewer than 3,200 signatures were required to force a recall election in a city of more than 200,000 people.

See, even if you weren't paying attention - you can still go after this guy... but he prevailed over the recall. Well, what a waste of my time reading this stupid article!

Bottom line, you're lucky to have a drain pull. The mayors are on notice, and you folks lucky to have a drain pull - try to beat him in the polls first. Then you can flush 'em if they're a problem for you.

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