Sep 10, 2010

Don't Ask...

Read more ....

The full decision is here. Now, I think we can all assume that the Obama Administration will appeal, yes, appeal this ruling.

What, you say? Didn't he promise to do exactly the opposite on the campaign trail? Especially when checks were being written?

Well, if he doesn't it's just one more issue that will be used against the Democrats in the midterm elections, and one that they can't use the race card on.

Now when a judge says the following ....
.... the ban violated the first amendment rights of homosexuals and harmed the effectiveness of the armed forces
Who is he to pass judgment that the ban harms the effectiveness of the armed forces? Sorry .... but this ruling smells more political than legal. And does this judge even have the ability to force a judgment upon the military? Probably not - and I'm assuming a JAG office will chime in on the comments...

BUT it does offer a crack in the armor - a roadmap to HOW to effectively fight the ban.

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