The NY Gov taken down by a prostitution ring -
Then his replacement, Gov. David Paterson revealed Tuesday that he had affairs with a "number of women," including a state employee, but said that does not affect his ability to lead.
No. His ability to lead will be diminished by the fact that he is blind. Not saying he won't be a great Gov. - I just don't want him to lead the conga line, okay?
Hillary released all those documents she's been hiding - er - preparing for release after redacting half its contents, when no one would notice because of....
Obama's speech yesterday. Perhaps you're aware of it? It was on the news...?
There sure was a lot of praise for his speech. I even heard one pundit say it ranks with the "I have a Dream" speech. Really? Really? Was it that good?
He could have used Rev. Jeremiah Wright as an opportunity to demonstrably move race relations in this nation toward a brighter future, but instead he dredged up the past. And it was a past that only half of America is old enough to have experienced. I'm sure we all want to move beyond. Rather than using this opportunity, he went on to rail about wealth, income, and the education gap. But those three handicaps haven't stopped Obama or his story. Is there any chance that the fawning media will point out this little hypocrisy? More importantly, why couldn't he use his story to try to unite us, bring us hope, and bring us together? Instead, I fear that he may have fallen into a trap -
-which is exactly where Hillary wants him -
The newest poll showed Obama had only a statistically insignificant lead of 47 percent to 44 percent over Clinton, down sharply from a 14 point edge he held over her in February when he was riding the tide of 10 straight victories.
Meanwhile, John McCain has gained on them BOTH. Sorry, President John McCain.
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