Question posed: Which one are you going to spend 2+ hours and $10.50
Dark Knight...duh. Filmed in Chicago, last time I checked I know someone who is an extra, Joker..enough said. I-Ron Man looks decent. And of course I'll go see Indiana Bones and the Temple of Poon. I can't consume enough acid to go see Speed Racer, which is what you'll need to get through it. Don't forget Pineapple trailer looks groovy.
Dark Knight indeed. Will need a shot of my beloved city while I'm melting in the hot Charleston air. Will be eager to see the scene we nearly messed up b/c my co-worker never listens to the VHF.
Nice LEGO banner, btw.
Iron Man might be good. Where does he put the fuel for his sexy sexy jet boots? Are we in the age of sensible Downey these days? The man can indeed be brilliant.
Dark Knight...duh. Filmed in Chicago, last time I checked I know someone who is an extra, Joker..enough said. I-Ron Man looks decent. And of course I'll go see Indiana Bones and the Temple of Poon. I can't consume enough acid to go see Speed Racer, which is what you'll need to get through it. Don't forget Pineapple trailer looks groovy.
Dark Knight indeed. Will need a shot of my beloved city while I'm melting in the hot Charleston air. Will be eager to see the scene we nearly messed up b/c my co-worker never listens to the VHF.
Nice LEGO banner, btw.
Iron Man might be good. Where does he put the fuel for his sexy sexy jet boots? Are we in the age of sensible Downey these days? The man can indeed be brilliant.
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