The last couple weeks have turned "Inevitability" into "Hillary Who?" Obama met Oprah on stage. He's doing well, just because of the clumsy media coverage showing Oprah on stage with Obama. What else do you need? Substance? Comparisons to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr? Sound bytes are meaningless when you have the image of Oprah and Obama on a stage together. The Clinton War Machine knows that, and made a couple incredibly stupid mistakes and jokes that have brought Hillary's poll numbers lower than Barack, and possibly, under Edwards in the latest Iowa AND NH polls. (I remind you dear reader, that the Iowa polls mean nothing. Please see my story on the Iowa caucus)
• Hillary's camp or those employed by the Hillary campaign made a joke that Bill Clinton has probably tapped more black ass than Obama. Classy. And could even be accurate?
• A press release had comically accused Obama of overweening ambition because he had written an essay entitled "I want to be President" at the age of five. Yeah, gotta go back to fifth grade for your dirt?
• Bill Clinton is stumping for her, as he is adored by Democrats - but he talks endlessly about himself. There are also whispers of Bill, er, being Bill circulating around the political water coolers again. "Hey, Hillary, surprise!"
• Two Iowa volunteers had separately forwarded emails stating that Mr Obama was a radical Muslim who was part of an Islamist plot to destroy the US. Oops. They were reading the wrong script - it was supposed to be "Socialist Agenda", not Islamist plot.
• Then Bill Shaheen , a senior Clinton campaign figure, suggested that Mr Obama could be destroyed by the Republicans who might ask if Obama had been a drug dealer. Sure, his drug use is well known and old news - this other crack, although I haven't heard anyone ANSWER the question... is a bit desperate, even for the Clinton War Machine. And, the clumsy way to phrase their opponent as being the ones asking the question - that's just tacky, even for the Clintons.
On that icy tarmac, Mrs Clinton wanted to say sorry. The New York senator told her colleague from Illinois that he probably wanted to "hear from me" that comments by Bill Shaheen, were "unauthorised and inappropriate".
Obama accepted the apology, shut the door, and flew to the next of endless debates. He had his best showing that night -
The most telling exchange came when he was asked how his presidency would be a break with the past when he had so many of Bill Clinton's former aides in his foreign policy team.
Mrs Clinton let out her notorious guffaw, known as "the Cackle". "I want to hear that," she said. But Mr Obama was ready. "Well, Hillary, I'm looking forward to you advising me as well," he said, freezing her smile.
Many parts of this article were cutn'dapasted from (here)
1 comment:
Pwn is a slang term that implies domination or humiliation of a rival, used primarily in the Internet gaming culture to taunt an opponent that has just been soundly defeated.
ronounced [poʊn] (pone), rhyming with "own".
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