But the Huckabee appeal is also catching on with potential opponents. The 'Liberal Media' and more importantly the DNC could easily be thinking that it would be a lot easier to paint Huckabee as some sort of a nut than the other nuts up for the ticket. And Huck could be a nut that Hillary can beat easily. They hope to build him up now, and tear him down later.
It's kind of like the Karl Rove approach to Hillary - except that Karl Rove could engineer a Ron Paul victory over Hillary. With a blind fold. And an arm tied behind his back. Perhaps I'll point you to my previous post on the poll that said that ANY Republican can beat Hillary, but all would LOSE to Obama or Edwards. As if that's a news flash to anyone who gives even a minor care to politics and the goings-on of this silly election process?
Anyhow, look for secret DNC money going toward Huckabee advertising in Iowa and New Hampshire -- like RNC money went to make Ralph Nader ads in 2000.
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