"After reading this story, [about the Omaha Mall Shootings yesterday] and after reading statistics, there are still liberal morons out there that would vote against concealed carry laws. Everyone I know ridicules me when I carry my weapon legally to a mall or other public location. See, I knew I was right to do so. Had I been there, this f*ck-stick would have been put down by my well aimed fire, and then he could rot in "pound me in the ass" prison. Vote pro-gun every time! Hey Illinois, why don't you jump on the band wagon and get a clue?!"A teenager who wanted to die "famous" shot dead eight Christmas shoppers and wounded five with an assault rifle at an Omaha shopping mall before killing himself. I'm not going to show you his goofy Young Howard Stern face. I'm not going to tell you his name. I don't know if he got dumped, got fired, what ever - I do know that now there's another example of a mental patient who shouldn't have had access to a gun in the first place, and an unarmed public had no response but to be victims. I'll be willing to bet that the mall cops didn't even have tasers to respond! Now is the time to give those mall cops weapons training before any copy-cat mental defects or AlQDuh realize how much fun it is to kill soft targets in shopping malls. Now is NOT the time to open another discussion to rub out the second amendment... so that means the Democratic candidate topic of the day will be - wait for it - 3... 2...
I've said it before, I'll say it again. If you want to kill yourself, please. Help yourself...
and only yourself, okay?
BTW - UPDATE - This Omaha mall was a "gun-free" zone just like the Virginia campus.
See the link:
I sure am glad it was gun free zone... or a shooting might have occurred!
Same old story...some unpopular dork who was mad at the world...because he was an unpopular dork. Waaa..Waaaa..people make fun of me so I'm going to shoot up some innocent people and then myself. Well maybe if you weren't so fucking dorky, people wouldn't make fun of you. Or you could just not care what people think of you and move on with your life, but no, you're an insane douche and you don't think that way. Thanks...you dorky fuckin' dead loser!!!!!!!!!!!!
Same old story...some unpopular dork who was mad at the world...because he was an unpopular dork. Waaa..Waaaa..people make fun of me so I'm going to shoot up some innocent people and then myself. Well maybe if you weren't so fucking dorky, people wouldn't make fun of you. Or you could just not care what people think of you and move on with your life, but no, you're an insane douche and you don't think that way. Thanks...you dorky fuckin' dead loser!!!!!!!!!!!!
I live in Omaha and what a tragedy!! Your comments are right on. The mall officers probablly are not armed. I'm a mom of three boys and this is so scarey to think that someone having a "bad month" could walk into a department store go the top floor (children's section) and start shooting a high powered riffle. It is a changed community today!! You hear about all these stories over and over again and it has finally hit home. The more people who talk about the shooter are doing exactly what he wanted in saying "I will be famous"...remember the 8 dead and 2 fighting for their lives.
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