I'm the only one on the block who actually owned the troop transport that escaped Hoth.
Yeah, it was pretty lame.
But I had most of the figures, and only half of them were ruined by playing with them outside.
But every once in a while, you hear about the prototypes of the figures that didn't make the cut, or were just to expensive to build. Luckily, because of the inter-net-tubes I've just found some other Classic Star Wars toys that weren't released by Kenner.
Let's start with the playsets:

Sure it's just a box of rocks.... but, it's the Planet Alderaan! You could throw pieces of it at the Millennium Falcon as it came out of hyperspace!
And had it gone into production, they could have re-packaged it as the Asteroid Belt from the chase sequence in Empire - again, throwing rocks at your Millennium Falcon!

This is playset catapults two different journeys in the Saga - but we see this 'battle damaged' version showcases the only time Imperial Stormtroopers ever hit anything. Two elderly civilians! Speaking of....

...microscopic life-forms that reside within the cells of almost all living things and communicate with the Force. Midi-chlorians compose a collective consciousness and intelligence, forming links between everything living and the Force. They are symbionts with all other living things; that is, without them, life could not exist. The Jedi have learned how to listen to and coordinate the midi-chlorians. If they quiet their minds, they can hear the midi-chlorians speaking to them, telling them the will of the Force.No, thankfully he waited 20 years for that nugget. Still - the could have re-used the mold for the Holy Spirit action figure for Kenner's less successful Deity line. The Mohammad figure really caused a stir!
Thanks to http://www.mcmorran.org/pages.php?page_id=15 for the pictures.
1 comment:
Excellent pieces I would like to give some of these to my kids, I think they will enjoy it, is there a game of the last star wars movie available for PS3???
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