May 4, 2008

Hillary's Nuclear Option

The Huffington Post has concluded what OneF and I have been saying since Michigan and Florida moved their primaries and have created a crisis within the Democratic Party. The folks at the Post have finally read Blasphemes and realized that Hillary will force the seating of her delegates that were withheld from MI and FL at the convention. This will give her the delegate edge and put a chokehold on the SuperDelegates who have publicly pledged to vote along with the primary voters. (She's got 'em painted into a corner with that one.)

The guess is that these 55 or so delegates from the banned states would put her over the edge in the Convention battle - and I mean over the edge in the Defcon ready to launch sense. She wins the nomination - but tears the party into nuclear halves by doing so.

They have two caveats to this scenario:

1) Hilldog has to win Indiana and lose North Carolina by only very small margin... or win it. That happens Tuesday.

2) She has to prove she's a better general election candidate than Obama.

Pretty big caveats for her to overcome. However, you must realize by now that this won't be solved by the rank-and-file, it can only be decided by the superior SuperDelegates who have been tricked into a paper bag - and no matter what happens, half of the party regulars will be so outraged their guy or gal didn't get the nomination, they're already planning the riots in Denver.

I know I'm repeating myself - but in a year where the Republicans have practically left the keys to the House, the Senate and the White House in the locks - the Democrats have played like the Marx Brothers and the Three Stooges bumping into each other trying to reach the door.

Between Mucaca and Larry "Wide Stance" Craig, Jack Abramoff, the Plame Affair, Scooter Libby, and ringmaster Karl Rove - you'd think someone in a rainbow wig holding a John 3:16 could win a seat in the next election....

But clowns are all the Democrats have. Nancy Pelosi and her errand boys are completely useless against George Bush and still have lower approval ratings than - George Bush! They continue to roll over on every single issue except for a trade agreement with Columbia. That's about all they've done. Oh, except staple mounds and mounds of earmarks to bills that can't ever hope to make it past Bush's veto. Oooh. And despite all the secret government, darkness, torture and things we won't know about for decades in the Dick Cheney playbook - Pelosi hasn't even reviewed the last six years of the Bush Administration's policies - even though that's exactly why her constituents voted her and her party to the Congress.

Then there's the Hillary/Obama Un-Civil war tearing the party in half - and over what? Their compelling but opposite policy differences? The speedy withdraw of troops from Iraq? The best energy policy? Health Care plans? Cabinet appointees or VP choices? Nope. Nothing of importance - simply race and gender issues. Wait, aren't the Democrats supposed to be the enlightened ones?

Meanwhile, President McCain is being fitted for his Inauguration Ball tuxedo as we speak.


Anonymous said...

The Democrat Party has to be the most inept manifestation of political idiocy left of the Libertarian Party.

How can you complain about George Bush when Hilary is just a slightly more liberal, more articulate version of him? Say what you want about Bush, at least he didn't intend on putting himself before the party. Had the inappropriate actions after 9/11 not happened, the Republicans would never have lost power. The Democrat Party didn't actually do anything other than exist as the "other" option.

I don't think this thing would be going to the wire if Barack Obama wern't a minority. The Democrat Party is still a party of racism and identity politics, and it's certain elements of The Democrat Party that will assure a John McCain victory. I don't see how Obama can win a general election when his own party will vote for McCain in such numbers that it causes Obama to lose the election.

Anyone who votes for Democrats or Republicans gets what they deserve.

Anonymous said...

There's been nothing but speculation about Clinton's plan at the convention for months. I doubt she knows what her plan but I'm betting a combination of "don't disenfranchise Michigan and Florda", begging and cajoling superdelegates, threatening others, Bill demanding to speak, lawsuits of some type in federal and state courts, and a good old cry to end the thing. One for the ages, if you're a Republican, I guess.

Anonymous said...

The parallels between this primary year and 1972's democratic party elections are pretty staggering.

In '72 when it came down between the too-honest-for-his-own-good McGovern and the 'old party' Humphrey, it pretty much tore the Democratic Party in two, especially when Humphrey and all the other old party democrats tried to do everything they could to sink McGovern. That year, all the democrats had to do was elect someone competent to unseat Nixon, and, in the end, they farked themselves over by not supporting the majority candidate (and especially when some went as far to support Nixon since McGovern represented an end to the power the old timers coveted more than their own 'ideals').