Oct 19, 2007


Oh my poor little right winged Cap'n. My sweet little neo-con. Allow me to make a comment that is unpopular around the country and the equivalent of slicing up white, protestant orphan babies to your side of the aisle.

Taxes are good.

Whoa, tiger! Calm down and let me explain.

You live in a country composed of many, many people. We have a system of governance that was created based on intellect and good intentions. The premise being that all Americans should be assured life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That pesky little "pursuit of happiness" section luckily was deciphered for us by Justice Miller in 1884 since Thomas Jefferson never fully informed us as to the reasons for changing the phrase "life, liberty, and estate" (Locke's version) to the current version.
Among these inalienable rights, as proclaimed in that great document, is the right of men to pursue their happiness, by which is meant the right to pursue any lawful business or vocation, in any manner not inconsistent with the equal rights of others, which may increase their prosperity or develop their faculties, so as to give to them their highest enjoyment
So, what we have here is the government claiming that all Americans have the right to live their life (unless you are a convicted black man in Texas), liberty (unless your skin is brownish or you wear a turbin), and the pursuit of happiness (which fortunately for your side does not include sex, drugs, obscene lyrics, Hollywood actors, or non-Christians unless they live in Israel itself). Now the question is how do we ensure these unalienable rights.

You may need things like military and a police force to keep you safe. Perhaps a natural disaster recovery department in case there is something like a category five hurricane that wipes out an American city. Maybe you would like to not have to work into your nineties. That may require some assistance from the government. If there is a war we should arm and armor our soldiers. If the markets collapse or there are crooked folks running publicly traded companies, the government could create a safety net and then prosecute to get the monies returned. They would also need to help the recently released employees from said firm. Maybe you would like your child to be educated. These are a few things I am thinking of off the top of my head.

These things take money. It is part of the fees of living in a country where you can buy porno, guns, and booze. OK, maybe that is not the bast argument let me try again. It is part of the fees of living in a country where your children can be educated, crime is kept to a minimal, your business is secured, and your retirement years will not consist of Ramen Noodles and Tab.

"But, F," I hear you say, "Those things suck right now."

True, my little wing-nut, true. But they mostly suck because the Republicans CUT ALL THE FUCKING FUNDS TO THEM.

"Fine, F," says Cap'n, "then we should just get rid of those items and let people pay for them out of their own pocket."

OK, if they have money. How much does a low income family make a year? Enough for school, police, fire department, medications, food, clothing, and anything else that is necessary for a semi-comfortable life? I am not so sure. I could probably pull it off. But I have no kids and no one would notice if I flushed the fish to save on my fish food money. Can a family o four pulling in $30,000 / year pull it off? I am not so sure.

I contend that you should stop complaining about the taxes and start complaining about the politicians that divvy up the funds, earmark the funds, and decide what priorities we, as a nation have. Maybe a trip to the voting booth will do the trick. Not right away but in time.

One thing I do know is that nothing will change by listening to Bush when he tells you taxes are bad. And nothing will be solved by calling a black man with glasses Urkel. Unless he can develop the Urk-pad.

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