Of course, not the AlQDah brand Terrorists. No, the Turks want to go after the Kurds who have been making incursions into Turkey - and blowin' stuff up.
It appears that this sort of thing happened all the time. The Kurds, who want their own state again, and are tired of getting kicked around the school yard all the time - sneak into Turkey - blow stuff up, then run back home over the border yelling "naner naner, na-ner!"
Then Turkey would suit up, make a phone call to Saddam.
It probably went a-little something like this:
"Yes, hello? Saddam - Turkey here."
"Ah, my good friend how are you?"
"Not so good - see your punk ass troublemakin' Northern Kurdish son blew up a market and-"
"Whoa, hold on, my friend. The Kurds are no friends of mine. In fact, I even tried gassing a whole bunch of them. Damned buggers kept coming back! Lots of trouble those damn Kurds."
"Oh, we had no idea that you were also - "
"Sure, sure. Tell you what, if I wasn't bogged down with this UN no-fly zone and nuckular inspectors all over my hair - I'd be happy to help you with those Kurds..."
"So, are you saying that we could, er, violate your sovereign country line, with troops, and take 'em out ourselves?"
"Sure! I do it all the time myself! Have a... hah, ha... blast! Get it!"
"Oh Saddam! Your wit is so sharp!"
And it seems it's that time a year again. Only, this time George Bush is all:
"Nah ah. That's our job, and we're not let'n you since you dinna let us use Turkey as a staging ground against Sa-damn! Suck it, Turkey. See you on Thanx givin!"
So there might be a NATO member attacking the Northern portion of Iraq, to kill terrorists,. Which the US is totally against because these terrorists are our friends - or 'freedom fighters' in the North. Perhaps Contra would be a better vocab word?
It's getting interesting because the Turk Congress just authorized use of force in Iraq. Wonder if they have a Turkish Hillary Clinton (Halil Rhodam Ufuk) maybe she can vote for the war, and the apologize for it when she runs for Prime Minister in 3 years?
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