Here's the end of the week round up...
First, NPR - meet FOX. What did everyone expect to have happen?

The bed bug craze is getting kind of nuts... which is hilarious, until you see one.

Foreclosures continue to be about as controversial as the loans themselves.

Taliban 'leadership' are sitting down to 'talk'. Who the hell knows what that means?

Obama's thrown out Hope and Change and is changing lanes to spew Fear. I've been saying since he picked Biden as his Veep he was going to get his ass handed back to him in 2010.

Puppet masters...

Corporate influence in this campaign is a little more, er -transparent, perhaps - obvious this cycle?

And when Mr. Obama lashed out upon the Chamber of Commerce for spending against him- it rang a just a tad hollow and hypocritical. It was definitely not presidential.

Well gang, we made it through another week. Hope to see you again next week!
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