It's been a tough year for television, for me - a bunch of my favorites are gone, such as LOST. That one show took up way too much of my remaining brain cells, and as you readers know, I was heartbroken when the writers bailed and made it a religious statement. AMC's Breaking Bad ended before I could afford cable again. Luckily I caught up using the library. I just had to be patient. I also lost track of Sons of Anarchy due to a 'cable outage', but those whom are watching season three tell me I missed nothing.
I will tell you that I am watching a few shows. A few NEW shows.
# 1 Number one on my list is Louie. - FX

Louis C.K. writes and directs what can only be described as the 'adult' version of Seinfeld. Really. And there's dick jokes, and he curses, and he insults his mother... this is good television if you're into that sort of thing. It also has a grit to it, because you know that the star is in total creative control.
Best episode: Travel Day/South. Watch the Episode (NSFW) It's the airport. Very minimalist, very funny. It's a visual interpretation of every stand up comic's bit about travel.
#2 Terriers. FX

Start with the Pilot: Watch the Episode
#3, also on FX is The League. (Way to go FX!)
It's a Fantasy football League with a bunch of misfits, just like yours, but theirs is on television. The League was created by the husband-and-wife team of Jeff Schaffer (Curb Your Enthusiasm, Seinfeld) and Jackie Marcus Schaffer (Disturbia, Eurotrip). And that pretty much says it all, doesn't it? I guess I'm picking this up on the second season -- but so far, to me, it's much better than It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
Best episode I've seen: The White Knuckler. Watch Clip
Favorite character - Taco.
Second favorite - Andre. I feel like I've had this guy in my league forever.

This thing is the smart person's 24/Alias/Spooks/CIA show. So how come I'm watching it?
Darn good question.
There's an arching storyline-conspiracy going on. White guys in the back-room pulling strings -- but for who, why, what's their game plan? That main story seems secondary to the characters and the office-politics of the protagonist's workplace. It's geeky-nerd types trying to figure out the clues to the events not yet happened. It's pretty slow paced. No car chases - yet. But it has a look and feel to it that is more of a suspense novel than television show, and I rather enjoy that.
Also, you can trust NO ONE on this show... and if you thought Michael Scott was a creep - wait'll you get a load of Will's boss!
One fatal flaw with this show - the whole thing could have been solved with a taped message, or even a letter tucked away for the protagonists to find... but instead it's the minutia drip of tiny pieces of paper and clues. Which, if you're into that kind of crossword puzzle television, this is the best show you've ever seen. Well, since LOST, anyway.
As far as returning shows --
#5 - The Venture Bros. (Here)
This show is made for me. No, I mean they make it just for me. Superheroes, super scientists, pop-culture send offs for geeks and a storyline so tight and interwoven that every single character ever seen, and even unseen, are linked. The attention to detail is the best I've ever seen. Truly the best show on television.

Yep, still watching it. It's also a show where not much really happens in it. The lies created by the main protagonist have pretty much left a layer of glass shards around him, and everyone he's ever met steps in it and has to clean it up... and now Don is becoming the man that he warned the young whipper-snapper Pete in the pilot not to become. But once you've invested the time and interest, it's hard to peel away from this show.
Also, it's more about the women than the men. Kind of ironic, given the title, no?
#7 South Park - Comedy Central
Just started up again. Usually only a few stinkers in any given season. The speed to screen also keeps them relevant.
#8 and 9 NOVA and Frontline. - PBS
#10 Primal Grill with Steven Raichlen. (here) - PBS
Deleted Season Passes: Family Guy and the three other Family Guy clones. Okay, you caught me, I never had season passes to those Clone Shows.
V - I never got around to watching the second half of the first season, so, well - it just sucked.
On the edge: The Chicago Bears show. Sym-bionic Titan. - it's a TAD repetitive.
Tried and failed: Running Wilde on Fox. Didn't do anything for me. Like a sketch that went on 19 minutes too long.
Not even tried: The Event. Looks too much like Heroes trying to be LOST.
Oh, and yes I would like to see Boardwalk Empire - I have no HOBO -- but I'll get the box set before Christmas, or whenever it's at Costco.
Agree, disagree? Did I miss your favorite show? Fill me in.
Dude. Thanks for the suggestions.
But I keep telling you that Religious/god explanation is fully within the realm of science fiction.
What could be more fantastic explanation could there be than "we're all going to Heaven"?!
Terriers is a good pick up... but there's no bowling, so your Big Lebowski reference is incorrect
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