The casting call urged actors to bring clothing like flannel shirts, "beat up" John Deere hats and down-filled vests -- "so think coal miner/trucker looks." And they were shot in Philadelphia. So they were outsourced hicks.
Now we're down to the 'Casting Call' of a political ad. Not the ad itself, which is called "Stop Obama."
Yes, Hicky is technically a derogatory term, but some people don't mind being called hick. Some even openly embrace the term. Now, how the RNC didn't see the ad for the actors or oversee the process, after sending the company money seems to be out of whack. Any spot I've ever heard of, there are over 18 Smithers putting in their 2 cents, as if their two cents carried any water. The fact there weren't so many overseers probably speaks more to the apathy of the RNC, towards the process... It's like they "out-sourced" to another state, and didn't care about the product, quality, message - they just threw cash at it. Doubtful they'll be repeating that mistake again.
And note to the casting agent and director - yes, you're racists.
To anyone else who thinks this matters - it doesn't. Discuss how you're going to end the wars and stop spending 5 dollars for every 1 you bring in.
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