"In the campaign’s closing weeks, Democrats are working to convince voters that a conservative social agenda is waiting in the wings should Republicans be elected in large numbers."
Yep - time to pull out the old divisive political wedge issues.
What's so desperate about this move is that - frankly - it doesn't work. The Repubs did have a majority at one point, and didn't do squat about this issue. They won't and can't. Everyone knows this -- or should know this. If the Republicans were pulling this stunt out of their desperation bag, Jon Stewart would be pulling down his trousers and screaming about it on his show. But when the Democrats do it, it's a polite reminder that the Republicans are batshiat insane.
I'm sick and tired of the divide and conquer attitude that 'We the People' have allowed ourselves to be sucked into. It's not pro-life vs pro-choice -- it's US vs. THEM, and THEY are winning. Look beyond these ridiculous emotional issues (that the Legislative and Executive Branches are completely impotent to enact any change upon -- ex, Flag Burning, Gay Marriage, and even Medical Marijuana, and even if they could, they won't - note, on a National scale. These issues are local or screaming at the sky issues) and look at the money they're spending and printing and giving to their friends, family and cronies! They're on the last couple sips past the ice cubes and are trying feverishly to grab the last few drops from the straw... and we're going to let them pull out the race card or the abortion punt.
Don't buy into it - or better, stop buying into it. Anyone who's carting this trash onto the podium should have rotten fruit or eggs pelted at them.
Demand solutions, not more wedges.
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